Low Temperature Physics -- April 2001
Volume 27, Issue 4,
pp. 247-332
Low-temperature magnetostriction of magnets and superconductors (Preface)
V. V. Eremenko and V. A. Sirenko
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Magnetoelastic stresses in rare-earth thin films and superlattices
J. I. Arnaudas, M. Ciria, C. de la Fuente, L. Benito, A. del Moral, R. C. C. Ward, M. R. Wells, C. Dufour, K. Dumesnil, and A. Mougin
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Composite magnetostrictive materials for advanced automotive magnetomechanical sensors
R. W. McCallum, K. W. Dennis, D. C. Jiles, J. E. Snyder, and Y. H. Chen
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Magnetovolume anomalies in Ce2Fe17xMnx
O. Prokhnenko, Z. Arnold, J. Kamarad, I. Medvedeva, and A. Kuchin
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Giant volume magnetostriction in CMR manganites R1xSrxMnO3(R = Sm, Nd)
A. I. Abramovich and A. V. Michurin
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Effect of oxygen content on magnetization and magnetoresistance properties of CMR manganites
S. V. Trukhanov, I. O. Troyanchuk, F. P. Korshunov, V. A. Sirenko, H. Szymczak, and K. Baerner
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Magnetic properties lithium-doped manganite single crystals
S. N. Barilo, G. L. Bychkov, V. I. Gatalskaya, L. A. Kurochkin, V. P. Sokol, H. Szymczak, R. Szymczak, and M. Baran
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Peculiarities of the volume magnetostriction of La1xSrxMnO3 in the Curie point region
L. I. Koroleva, A. I. Abramovich, R. V. Demin, and A. V. Michurin
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The effect of hydrogen on the magnetostriction of rare-earth compounds TbxDy1xFe2
S. A. Nikitin, I. S. Tereshina, A. P. Touliakov, E. A. Tereshina, V. N. Verbetsky, and A. A. Salamova
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Magnetoelastic effects in low-dimensional magnetic systems
A. A. Zvyagin and G. A. Zvyagina
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Magnetostriction in the mixed state of superconducting 2H-NbSe2 single crystals
V. V. Eremenko, V. A. Sirenko, R. Schleser, and P. L. Gammel
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Investigation of magnetic flux gradients in hard superconductors
V. V. Bruk, V. V. Eremenko, N. I. Makedonskaya, Yu. A. Shabakayeva, and V. A. Sirenko
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Electronic structure and magnetostrictive sensitivity of FeB metallic glasses
A. B. Beznosov, E. L. Fertman, V. V. Eremenko, and V. A. Desnenko
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Spontaneous magnetostriction in the GdY system: analysis of phase transformations
A. B. Beznosov, E. L. Fertman, V. V. Eremenko, P. P. Pal-Val, V. P. Popov, and N. N. Chebotayev
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Magnetostriction and a magnetoelastic mechanism for the irreversible behavior of the magnetoresistance in layered antiferromagnets
E. V. Gomonay and V. M. Loktev
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