Astronomy Reports -- January 2002
Volume 46, Issue 1,
pp. 1-82
Nonresonance Spiral Responses in Disk Galaxies
V. L. Polyachenko and E. V. Polyachenko
pp. 1-15
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Observations of Stellar Objects at a Shell Boundary in the Star-Forming Complex in the Galaxy IC 1613
T. A. Lozinskaya, V. P. Arkhipova, A. V. Moiseev, and V. L. Afanas'ev
pp. 16-26
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Effects of Spot Structure of Lines of Rare Earths and Non-LTE Effects on Lithium Abundance Estimates for Two roAp Stars
L. I. Mashonkina, A. V. Shavrina, V. Khalack, N. S. Polosukhina, V. V. Tsymbal, and V. Vygonets
pp. 27-33
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Behavior of Pulsar B0329+54 Pulse Characteristics in the Immediate Vicinity of Mode Switch Times at 111.4 MHz
S. A. Suleimanova and V. D. Pugachev
pp. 34-48
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Methanol Radio Emission at Millimeter Wavelengths: New Masers at 1.3 and 2.8 Millimeters
V. I. Slysh, S. V. Kalenskii, and I. E. Val'tts
pp. 49-56
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Cyclic Activity of the Water-Vapor Maser in S128
E. E. Lekht, J. E. Mendoza-Torres, and I. I. Berulis
pp. 57-66
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Numerical MHD Simulations of Post-Flare Loop Formation on the Sun: Allowing for Thermal-Conductivity Anisotropy
A. I. Podgorny and I. M. Podgorny
pp. 67-73
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A Model for the Polar Motion of the Deformable Earth Adequate for Astrometric Data
L. D. Akulenko, S. A. Kumakshev, Yu. G. Markov, and L. V. Rykhlova
pp. 74-82
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