Astronomy Reports -- March 2002
Volume 46, Issue 3,
pp. 173-258
Does the LMC Possess a Dark Bulge?
A. V. Zasov and A. V. Khoperskov
pp. 173-181
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Spatial Structure of the Globular Cluster M15
Z. I. Peikov and P. I. Kadiiskaya
pp. 182-192
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A Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy
V. S. Avedisova
pp. 193-205
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Microstructure of Pulsar Radio Pulses Measured with a Time Resolution of 62.5 ns at 1650 MHz
M. V. Popov, N. Bartel, W. H. Cannon, A. Yu. Novikov, V. I. Kondratiev, and V. I. Altunin
pp. 206-215
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A Magnetized Disk around an O Star: Polarization of the OH Maser Emission
V. I. Slysh, I. E. Val'tts, and V. Migenes
pp. 216-223
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Intermediate-Brightness Equatorial Spectrophotometric Standards
V. M. Tereshchenko
pp. 224-232
Full Text: PDF (137 kB)
Studies of Intermediate-Mass Stellar Models Using Eclipsing Binaries
D. A. Kovaleva
pp. 233-245
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Sources of the Global Magnetic Field of the Sun
V. A. Kotov and I. V. Setyaeva
pp. 246-254
Full Text: PDF (193 kB)
Influence of Collective Plasma Processes on the Theoretical Flux of Solar Neutrinos
A. V. Fedorova and A. V. Tutukov
pp. 255-258
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