Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- August 2000
Volume 91, Issue 2,
pp. 227-432
Cosmological Inflation Models Admitting Natural Emergence to the Radiation-Dominated Stage and the Matter Domination Era
V. M. Zhuravlev and S. V. Chervon
pp. 227-238
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Superradiation of a System of Nuclear Spins
D. S. Bulyanitsa, A. V. Druzhin, and E. D. Trifonov
pp. 239-244
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On the Collisional Transfer of Nonequilibrium in the Velocity Distribution of Resonant Particles in a Laser Radiation Field
A. I. Parkhomenko and A. M. Shalagin
pp. 245-254
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Contribution to the Theory of Parametric Generation of Cyclotron Radiation
M. A. Erukhimova and M. D. Tokman
pp. 255-264
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Contribution to the Theory of Bremsstrahlung in Scattering Media
A. V. Koshelkin
pp. 265-272
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Effect of Quantum Interference Processes on the Angular Distribution of the Spontaneous Radiation in the D Line of Alkali-Metal Vapors in a Laser Wave Field
A. A. Panteleev and Vl. K. Rerikh
pp. 273-286
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Nonlinear Resonances Free of Field and Doppler Broadenings
Yu. I. Belousov, E. V. Podivilov, M. G. Stepanov, and D. A. Shapiro
pp. 287-297
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Phase and Group Synchronization in Second-Harmonic Generation of Ultrashort Light Pulses in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
A. M. Zheltikov, A. V. Tarasishin, and S. A. Magnitskii
pp. 298-306
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Formation of Ordered Structures of Charged Macroparticles in a Photoemission Trap
O. S. Vaulina, A. P. Nefedov, O. F. Petrov, and V. E. Fortov
pp. 307-313
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Theory of an Fm3m --> I4/m Structural Phase Transition in an Rb2KScF6 Crystal
V. I. Zinenko and N. G. Zamkova
pp. 314-323
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Characteristics of the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of NbH0.83 in the Phase Transition Region
N. A. Sorokina, D. Wlosewicz, T. Plackowski, H. Misiorek, and Ch. Sulkowski
pp. 324-331
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Improved Phenomenological Renormalization Schemes
M. A. Yurishchev
pp. 332-337
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Influence of Phonon Dispersion and Exciton Spectrum on the Energy Spectrum of Magnetopolarons in a Quantum Well
L. I. Korovin, I. G. Lang, and S. T. Pavlov
pp. 338-345
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Influence of Inelastic Subbarrier Impurity Scattering on the Nonresonant Tunneling Transmission of a Quasi-One-dimensional Tunneling Junction with Weak Structural Disorder
V. Ya. Kirpichenkov
pp. 346-352
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Microscopic Model of the Coexistence of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in the Hybrid Ruthenate-Cuprate Oxide RuSr2GdCu2O8
E. V. Kuz'min, S. G. Ovchinnikov, I. O. Baklanov, and E. G. Goryachev
pp. 353-360
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Fano Resonances and Electron Localization in Heterobarriers
C. S. Kim, A. M. Satanin, and V. B. Shtenberg
pp. 361-368
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Evolution of the Band Structure of Quasiparticles with Doping in Copper Oxides on the Basis of a Generalized Tight-Binding Method
V. A. Gavrichkov, S. G. Ovchinnikov, A. A. Borisov, and E. G. Goryachev
pp. 369-383
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Reconstruction of the Deformation Potential at the N-Ellipsoid of the Fermi Surface of Tungsten
A. V. Tkach
pp. 384-392
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Band Structure and CKalpha Emission of Ultrathin Nanotubes
M. M. Brzhezinskaya, E. M. Baitinger, and V. I. Kormilets
pp. 393-398
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Nature of the Low-Temperature Colossal Magnetoresistance of La0.35Nd0.35Sr0.3MnO3 Epitaxial Films
A. I. Abramovich, L. I. Koroleva, A. V. Michurin, R. Shimchak, and S. Deev
pp. 399-406
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Quantum Hall Effect in Inhomogeneous Media: Effective Characteristics and Local Current Distribution
V. E. Arkhincheev
pp. 407-415
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Cyclotron Resonance in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Conductors
A. V. Peschanskii and V. G. Peschanskii
pp. 416-422
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Transport of a Passive Scalar and Lagrangian Chaos in a Hamiltonian Hydrodynamic System
S. D. Danilov, V. A. Dovzhenko, and I. G. Yakushkin
pp. 423-432
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