Astronomy Reports -- October 2002
Volume 46, Issue 10,
pp. 779-865
The Chemical Composition of HII Regions in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
V. V. Holovatyy and B. Ya. Melekh
pp. 779-790
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The Nature of Peculiar Stellar Complexes
Yu. N. Efremov
pp. 791-804
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Photometric Observations of R Coronae Borealis in the Optical and Infrared
V. I. Shenavrin, J. D. Fernie, G. Weigelt, and B. F. Yudin
pp. 805-818
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Analysis of Chemical Abundances in the Atmospheres of Moderate Barium Stars
A. A. Boyarchuk, Yu. V. Pakhomov, L. I. Antipova, and M. E. Boyarchuk
pp. 819-829
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The Cyclotron Spectrum of Anisotropic Ultrarelativistic Electrons: Interpretation of X-ray Pulsar Spectra
A. N. Baushev
pp. 830-839
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On the Atomic Constants of TaI
Yu. M. Smirnov
pp. 840-850
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The Libration Points for the Motion of a Star Inside an Elliptical Galaxy
S. A. Gasanov and L. G. Luk'yanov
pp. 851-857
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Forecasting the Polar Motions of the Deformable Earth
L. D. Akulenko, S. A. Kumakshev, Yu. G. Markov, and L. V. Rykhlova
pp. 858-865
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