Acoustical Physics -- May 2005
Volume 51, Issue 3,
pp. 239-366
Comparison of the Efficiencies of Fourier and Wavelet Expansions in Passive Acoustic Thermal Tomography
K. M. Bograchev
pp. 239-245
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Optical Breakdown in a Liquid: The Slow Phase of the Dynamics of Cavity Collapse and a Noncontact Technique for Pressure Measurement in a Liquid
N. F. Bunkin, A. M. Lomonosov, G. A. Lyakhov, N. V. Suyazov, S. I. Bakum, and L. M. Dorozhkin
pp. 246-254
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SpectralMorphological Analysis of Acoustical Images of Biological Tissues and Composite Structures: II. Test Classification of Acoustomicroscopic Images
V. A. Burov, E. L. Kim, and O. D. Rumyantseva
pp. 255-264
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On the Predictability of the Positions of the Convergence Zones in the Ocean
R. A. Vadov
pp. 265-270
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Signal Travel Times along Chaotic Rays in Long-Range Sound Propagation in the Ocean
A. L. Virovlyansky
pp. 271-281
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Energy Characteristics of the Sound Fields in the Barents Sea
O. P. Galkin and L. V. Shvachko
pp. 282-291
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Field Focusing Control in Multimode Plane-Layered Waveguides
V. A. Grigor'ev and V. M. Kuz'kin
pp. 292-299
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Analysis of the Sound Transmission Loss of Panels with Resonant Systems on the Basis of Equivalent Representations
B. M. Efimtsov and L. A. Lazarev
pp. 300-305
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Structure of the Focal Region at a Focusing with a Time Reversal of Waves in an Inhomogeneous Medium
V. A. Zverev
pp. 306-312
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Application of the WKB Method to Calculating the Group Velocities and Attenuation Coefficients of Normal Waves in the Arctic Underwater Waveguide
V. D. Krupin
pp. 313-320
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Fracture Localization in Space as a Cause of Variations in the Amplitude Distribution of Acoustic Emission Signals
A. V. Lavrov
pp. 321-327
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Regularization of Boundary Integral Equations in the Problems of Wave Field Diffraction by Curved Boundaries
G. A. Maximov and D. N. Lesonen
pp. 328-337
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Luminescence Induced by Spherically Focused Acoustic Pulses in Liquids
G. N. Sankin
pp. 338-346
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Diffraction of a Convergent Sound Wave by an Elastic Cylindrical Shell with a Longitudinal Fixation
V. V. Tyutekin, A. I. Boiko, and Yu. V. Tyutekin
pp. 347-353
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Acoustic Radiation from a Shell-Encapsulated Baffled Cylindrical Cap
S. M. Hasheminejad and M. Azarpeyvand
pp. 354-361
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Sound Absorption by MonopoleDipole Resonators in a Multimode Waveguide
A. D. Lapin
pp. 362-364
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In Memory of Ivan Vladimirovich Anisimkin (July 16, 1976December 9, 2003)
pp. 365-366
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