Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- July 2001
Volume 93, Issue 1,
pp. 1-196
Summing Divergent Perturbative Series in a Strong Coupling Limit. The Gell-MannLow Function of the phi4 Theory
I. M. Suslov
pp. 1-23
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Laser Synthesis of Chiral Molecules in Isotropic Racemic Media
S. S. Bychkov, B. A. Grishanin, and V. N. Zadkov
pp. 24-32
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Excitation of a Wake Field by a Relativistic Electron Bunch in a Semi-Infinite Dielectric Waveguide
V. A. Balakirev, I. N. Onishchenko, D. Yu. Sidorenko, and G. V. Sotnikov
pp. 33-42
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Perturbation Theory for the Intensity of Stark Lines of a Hydrogen Atom
A. A. Kamenski and V. D. Ovsiannikov
pp. 43-54
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Three-Wave Interference with Participation of Polaritons
A. V. Burlakov, Yu. B. Mamaeva, A. N. Penin, and M. V. Chekhova
pp. 55-62
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Rectification of the Dipole Force in a Monochromatic Field Created by Elliptically Polarized Waves
O. N. Prudnikov, A. V. Taichenachev, A. M. Tumaikin, and V. I. Yudin
pp. 63-70
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On the Criterion for Effectiveness of Wave Linear Transformation in a Smoothly Inhomogeneous Medium and of Nonadiabatic Transitions during Atomic Collisions
K. Yu. Bliokh and S. V. Grinyok
pp. 71-79
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Rheological Properties of Polydisperse Magnetic Fluids. Effect of Chain Aggregates
A. Yu. Zubarev
pp. 80-88
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Critical Behavior of Dilute Electrolyte Solutions
A. R. Muratov
pp. 89-93
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Linear Electromechanical Effect in Free-Standing Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystalline Films
S. V. Yablonskii, A. S. Mikhailov, K. Nakano, M. Ozaki, and K. Yoshino
pp. 94-102
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Theory of the Resonant Properties of Electrons Localized on the Surface of Liquid Helium
P. D. Grigor'ev and A. M. Dyugaev
pp. 103-110
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An EPR Study of the Temperature Dependence of the Energy Gap in Ytterbium Dodecaboride
T. S. Altshuler, A. E. Altshuler, and M. S. Bresler
pp. 111-116
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The Effect of a Weak Magnetic Field on the Mobility of Dislocations in Silicon
A. A. Skvortsov, A. M. Orlov, and L. I. Gonchar
pp. 117-120
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The Sound Velocity, Internal Friction, and Thermal Expansion in a Single Crystal of La0.85Sr0.15MnO3
R. I. Zainullina, N. G. Bebenin, V. V. Mashkautsan, A. M. Burkhanov, V. S. Gaviko, V. V. Ustinov, Ya. M. Mukovskii, D. A. Shulyatev, and V. G. Vasil'ev
pp. 121-125
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"Phonons" in Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattices
V. V. Smirnov and K. V. Chukbar
pp. 126-135
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Distribution Function for Random Interaction Fields in Disordered Magnets: Spin and Macrospin Glass
V. I. Belokon and K. V. Nefedev
pp. 136-142
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Magnetic Resonance of Spin Clusters and Triplet Excitations in a Spin-Peierls Magnet with Impurities
V. N. Glazkov, R. M. Eremina, A. I. Smirnov, G. Dhalenne, and A. Revcolevschi
pp. 143-152
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Electronic Properties
Variational Tests of Current Order Parameters in the Hubbard Model
A. A. Ovchinnikov and M. Ya. Ovchinnikova
pp. 153-160
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Phase Transitions in La1 xCaxMnO3 x/2 Manganites
I. O. Troyanchuk, S. V. Trukhanov, H. Szymczak, J. Przewoznik, and K. Bärner
pp. 161-167
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Quantum States and Fermi Surfaces in Metals with an fcc Lattice in an Ultrastrong Magnetic Field
V. Ya. Demikhovskii and D. V. Khomitsky
pp. 168-179
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Pressure-Induced Variation of the Magnetic Structure of the Surface of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 Granules
V. Yu. Tarenkov, A. I. D'yachenko, and V. N. Krivoruchko
pp. 180-187
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Big Entropy Fluctuations in Statistical Equilibrium: the Macroscopic Kinetics
B. V. Chirikov and O. V. Zhirov
pp. 188-196
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