Astronomy Letters -- July 2000
Volume 26, Issue 7,
pp. 413-483
Observations of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts with the Main Detector of the SIGMA Telescope onboard the Granat Observatory
R. A. Burenin, O. V. Terekhov, R. A. Sunyaev, A. V. D'yachkov, G. Khavenson, B. S. Novikov, I. D. Tserenin, K. M. Sukhanov, P. Goldoni, A. Claret, A. Goldwurm, J. Paul, F. Pelaez, E. Jourdain, J.-P. Roques, and G. Vedrenne
pp. 413-422
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The Radio Galaxy RC J1148+0455
Yu. N. Pariiskii, N. S. Soboleva, A. I. Kopylov, O. V. Verkhodanov, A. V. Temirova, O. P. Zhelenkova, J. Winn, A. Fletcher, and B. Burke
pp. 423-427
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Prospects for Detecting Light Echoes of Galactic Supernovae by Wide-Angle Polarimetry
I. A. Maslov
pp. 428-432
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Novae in M 31 in 1998
A. S. Sharov, A. Alksnis, A. V. Zharova, and Yu. A. Shokin
pp. 433-438
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Optical Spectrum of the Bipolar Nebula AFGL 2688
V. G. Klochkova, R. Szczerba, and V. E. Panchuk
pp. 439-451
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A Photometric Study of the Star V1016 Ori
N. I. Bondar', É. A. Vitrichenko, and M. M. Zakirov
pp. 452-459
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UV Cas: Photometry, Polarization, and Spectrum near Maximum Light
V. T. Doroshenko, Yu. S. Efimov, and A. E . Rosenbush
pp. 460-472
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The Composition of Very Fine Dust in the Dust Shell of Comet Halley
E. N. Evlanov, O. F. Prilutskii, B. V. Zubkov, and M. I. Voiskovskii
pp. 473-483
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