Astronomy Letters -- August 2000
Volume 26, Issue 8,
pp. 485-552
On the Large-Scale Structure of Galactic Disks
V. P. Reshetnikov
pp. 485-493
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Asymmetry of Compton Scattering by Relativistic Electrons with an Isotropic Velocity Distribution: Astrophysical Implications
S. Yu. Sazonov and R. A. Sunyaev
pp. 494-499
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Low-Frequency Flux-Density Measurements and Spectral Features of Millisecond Pulsars
A. D. Kuzmin and B. Ya. Losovsky
pp. 500-505
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Infrared Photometry of Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr) in 19961999
A. M. Tatarnikov, V. I. Shenavrin, B. F. Yudin, P. A. Whitelock, and M. W. Feast
pp. 506-519
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UBVRI Photometry of the Eclipsing Symbiotic System CI Cygni in 19961999
E. S. Dmitrienko
pp. 520-528
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Solving Wolf's uvbyRI Light Curves for the Star BM Ori
A. S. Vasileiskii and É. A. Vitrichenko
pp. 529-538
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Penetration of Coronal Magnetic Fields into Solar-Wind Streams
N. A. Lotova, V. N. Obridko, K. V. Vladimirskii, and V. Rusin
pp. 539-543
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Quasi-Harmonic Faraday-Rotation Fluctuations of Radio Waves When Sounding the Outer Solar Corona
A. I. Efimov, L. N. Samoznaev, V. E. Andreev, I. V. Chashei, and M. K. Bird
pp. 544-552
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