Astronomy Letters -- October 2000
Volume 26, Issue 10,
pp. 623-690
RC J0105+0501: A Radio Galaxy with Redshift z [approximate] 3.5
N. S. Soboleva, W. M. Goss, O. V. Verkhodanov, O. P. Zhelenkova, A. V. Temirova, A. I. Kopylov, and Yu. N. Pariiskii
pp. 623-627
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Effects of Microlensing on Parameters of the Images Seen near the Critical Curves of Gravitational Lens Galaxies
A. A. Minakov and V. G. Vakulik
pp. 628-638
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Cosmic Rays, Radio and Gamma-Ray Emission from the Remnant of Supernova 1987A
E. G. Berezhko and L. T. Ksenofontov
pp. 639-656
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The Praesepe Open Cluster and the Galactic Distance Scale
A. V. Loktin
pp. 657-659
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Unsteady Mass Outflow from WolfRayet Stars
Kh. F. Khaliullin and A. I. Khaliullina
pp. 660-667
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The Orbit of the Nearby Low-Mass Binary Gliese 600
A. A. Tokovinin, Yu. Yu. Balega, K.-H. Hofmann, and G. Weigelt
pp. 668-671
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Tests for Spatial Isotropy of Three Thousand Gamma-Ray Bursts Found in BATSE Archival Data
Ya. Yu. Tikhomirova and B. E. Stern
pp. 672-678
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The Temperature of Nonspherical Circumstellar Dust Grains
N. V. Voshchinnikov and D. A. Semenov
pp. 679-690
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