Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- June 2003
Volume 96, Issue 6,
pp. 985-1162
On the Evolution and Gravitational Collapse of a Toroidal Vortex
K. Yu. Bliokh and V. M. Kontorovich
pp. 985-992
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Quantum Dynamics and Statistics of a Bose Condensate Generated by an Atomic Laser
A. V. Kozlovskii
pp. 993-1005
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Higher Orders of Perturbation Theory for the Stark Effect on an Atomic Multiplet
I. L. Bolgova, V. D. Ovsyannikov, V. G. Pal'chikov, A. I. Magunov, and G. von Oppen
pp. 1006-1018
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On Nonlinear Propagation of Extremely Short Pulses in Optically Uniaxial Media
S. V. Sazonov and A. F. Sobolevskii
pp. 1019-1036
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Analysis of Macroparticle Charging in the Near-Electrode Layer of a High-Frequency Capacitive Discharge
O. S. Vaulina, A. A. Samarian, B. James, O. F. Petrov, and V. E. Fortov
pp. 1037-1044
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The Effect of Superstructural Ordering on the Properties of High-Temperature Oxide Superconductor Systems
N. V. Anshukova, A. I. Golovashkin, L. I. Ivanova, and A. P. Rusakov
pp. 1045-1054
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The Influence of Oxygen Vacancies on the Magnetic State of La0.50D0.50MnO3 gamma (D = Ca, Sr) Manganites
I. O. Troyanchuk, S. V. Trukhanov, E. F. Shapovalova, V. A. Khomchenko, M. Tovar, and H. Szymczak
pp. 1055-1064
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Ordered States and Structural Transitions in a System of Abrikosov Vortices with Periodic Pinning
M. V. Zyubin, I. A. Rudnev, and V. A. Kashurnikov
pp. 1065-1077
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Normal Processes of PhononPhonon Scattering and the Drag Thermopower in Germanium Crystals with Isotopic Disorder
I. G. Kuleev, I. I. Kuleev, A. N. Taldenkov, A. V. Inyushkin, V. I. Ozhogin, K. M. Itoh, and E. E. Haller
pp. 1078-1088
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The Evolution of Longitudinal and Transverse Acoustic Waves in a Medium with Paramagnetic Impurities
A. A. Zabolotskii
pp. 1089-1103
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Magnetorefractive Effect in Magnetic Nanocomposites
A. B. Granovsky, I. V. Bykov, E. A. Gan'shina, V. S. Gushchin, M. Inoue, Yu. E. Kalinin, A. A. Kozlov, and A. N. Yurasov
pp. 1104-1112
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Electronic Properties
The Thermodynamic Properties and Special Features of Spectra of Elementary Excitations of Unstable Valence Sm- and Ce-Based Compounds
E. V. Nefedova, P. A. Alekseev, V. N. Lazukov, and I. P. Sadikov
pp. 1113-1121
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Peculiarities of Emission of Subminiature Injection Lasers
V. P. Strakhov
pp. 1122-1123
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Frustrated Antiferromagnetism in the Sr2YRuO6 Double Perovskite
E. V. Kuz'min, S. G. Ovchinnikov, and D. J. Singh
pp. 1124-1130
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Coexistence of Superconducting and Spiral Spin Orders: Models of Ruthenate
M. Ya. Ovchinnikova
pp. 1131-1139
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Structures of Order Parameters in Inhomogeneous Phase States of Strongly Correlated Systems
L. S. Isaev and A. P. Protogenov
pp. 1140-1148
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Stark Ladder Laser with a Coherent Electron Subsystem
V. F. Elesin and Yu.V. Kopaev
pp. 1149-1162
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