Astronomy Reports -- February 2004
Volume 48, Issue 2,
pp. 81-169
Seyfert Nuclei as Sources of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays
A. V. Uryson
pp. 81-88
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Masses of X-ray Pulsars in Binary Systems with OB Supergiants
M. K. Abubekerov, É. A. Antokhina, and A. M. Cherepashchuk
pp. 89-102
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Galactic Parameters Derived from Open-Cluster Data
T. P. Gerasimenko
pp. 103-107
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Dynamical Evolution of Gaseous Clouds in the Atmospheres of WolfRayet Stars
N. A. Kudryashova
pp. 108-111
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Axially Symmetrical Models of the Products of a Conservative Merger of a Binary White Dwarf with Similar-Mass Components
D. P. Savokhin
pp. 112-120
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Thermal Cyclotron Radiation by Isolated Magnetic White Dwarfs and Constraints on the Parameters of Their Coronas
V. V. Zheleznyakov, S. A. Koryagin, and A. V. Serber
pp. 121-135
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Two Scales for the Frequency Dependence of the Scattering of Pulsar Radio Emission
A. D. Kuz'min and B. Ya. Losovsky
pp. 136-144
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Coronal Mass Ejections and Eruptive Prominences: Mutual Spatial Arrangement
A. V. Lozhechkin and B. P. Filippov
pp. 145-152
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Differential Rotation and Meridional Circulation near the Boundaries of the Solar Convection Zone
L. L. Kitchatinov
pp. 153-160
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SpectralCorrelational and Kinetic Models for the Motion of the Earth
Yu. G. Markov and I. N. Sinitsyn
pp. 161-169
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