Astronomy Reports -- March 2004
Volume 48, Issue 3,
pp. 171-260
H2O Maser Emission in the Direction of Sagittarius B2: Results of Monitoring for 19821992
E. E. Lekht, O. Ramirez Hernandes, A. M. Tolmachev, and I. I. Berulis
pp. 171-184
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Neutron-Capture Elements in Halo, Thick-Disk, and Thin-Disk Stars: Neodymium
L. I. Mashonkina, L. A. Kamaeva, V. A. Samotoev, and N. A. Sakhibullin
pp. 185-199
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Long-Term Monitoring of the Water-Vapor Maser in NGC 7538: 19932003
E. E. Lekht, V. A. Munitsyn, and A. M. Tolmachev
pp. 200-209
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Masses of Protostars with Methanol Protoplanetary Disks
I. E. Val'tts and S. Yu. Lyubchenko
pp. 210-218
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Evolutionary Connection between Low-Mass Detached Binaries, Contact W UMa Systems, and Blue Stragglers
A. V. Tutukov, G. N. Dremova, and M. A. Svechnikov
pp. 219-228
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The Influence of High-Energy Neutrinos on the Ejection of the Envelope of a Type-II Supernova
I. V. Baikov and V. M. Chechetkin
pp. 229-235
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Light Curve and Neutrino Spectrum Emitted during the Collapse of a Nonrotating, Supermassive Star
A. N. Baushev and G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
pp. 236-245
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Topological Model for the Large Solar Flare of July 14, 2000
B. V. Somov, I. V. Oreshina, and G. P. Lubimov
pp. 246-253
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Active Longitudes and NorthSouth Asymmetry of the Activity the Sun as Manifestations of Its Relic Magnetic Field
A. V. Mordvinov and L. L. Kitchatinov
pp. 254-260
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