JETP Letters -- February 10, 1998
Volume 67, Issue 3,
pp. 171-245
Investigation of the effect of large-scale shell asymmetry on Iskra-5 target operation
S. A. Bel'kov, A. V. Bessarab, O. A. Vinokurov, V. A. Gaidash, N. V. Zhidkov, V. M. Izgorodin, G. A. Kirillov, G. G. Kochemasov, A. V. Kunin, D. N. Litvin, V. M. Murugov, L. S. Mkhitar'yan, S. I. Petrov, A. V. Pinegin, V. T. Punin, N. A. Suslov, and V. A. Tokarev
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The conformal anomaly associated with an operator product acting in rank 1 symmetric spaces
A. A. Bytsenko, A. E. Goncalves, and F. L. Williams
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Spin susceptibility of neutron-irradiation-disordered YBa2Cu3O6.9 in the normal and superconducting states
A. V. Anan'ev, Yu. I. Zhdanov, A. P. Gerashchenko, K. N. Mikhalev, S. V. Verkhovskii, E. Yu. Medvedev, K. A. Okulova, N. I. Chebotaev, and V. N. Goshchitskii
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Electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance of sodium macrostructures in strongly irradiated NaCl–K crystals: Manifestation of quasi-one-dimensional behavior of electrons
F. G. Cherkasov, R. G. Mustafin, S. G. L'vov, G. A. Denisenko, H. W. den Hartog, and D. I. Vainshtein
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Coulomb interaction during coherent transport of electrons in quantum wires
V. A. Sablikov and B. S. Shchamkhalova
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Volume increase and enhanced indications of dielectric behavior during high-temperature annealing of quenched quasicrystal-forming alloys
A. F. Prekul, V. A. Kazanstev, E. V. Shalaeva, and N. I. Shchegolikhina
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Intersubband collective spin- and charge-density excitations in a system of 2D electrons in the quantum Hall effect regime
V. E. Kirpichev, I. V. Kukushkin, K. von Klitzing, and K. Eberl
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Quantum corrections to the conductance of n-GaAs films in a strong magnetic field
S. S. Murzin
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Transformation of the dimensionality of excitonic states in quantum wells with asymmetric barriers in an electric field
Yu. A. Aleshchenko, I. P. Kazakov, V. V. Kapaev, and Yu. V. Kopaev
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Phase transitions in the ferromagnetic alloys Ni2 + xMn1 – xGa
A. D. Bozhko, A. N. Vasil'ev, V. V. Khovailo, V. D. Buchel'nikov, I. E. Dikshtein, S. M. Seletskii, and V. G. Shavrov
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Radio-frequency modulation of the reflection of light in semiconductor heterostructures
O. A. Ryabushkin and V. A. Sablikov
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On the unified nature of the longitudinal and transverse acoustoelectric effects in type-II superconductors
E. D. Gutlyanskii
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