Astronomy Reports -- April 2004
Volume 48, Issue 4,
pp. 261-351
Analysis of a High-Amplitude Event in Component A of the Gravitational Lens QSO 2237+0305
M. B. Bogdanov and A. M. Cherepashchuk
pp. 261-266
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New Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in the Leo-I Group
I. D. Karachentsev and V. E. Karachentseva
pp. 267-274
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Velocity Field in the Spiral-Wave Pattern Observed in Rotating Shallow-Water Experiments
A. Yu. Rylov, E. N. Snezhkin, and K. B. Titishov
pp. 275-287
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Polarimetry of the Protoplanetary Nebula AFGL 2688
V. G. Klochkova, V. E. Panchuk, M. V. Yushkin, and A. S. Miroshnichenko
pp. 288-300
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Kinematics of the Envelope of the Post-AGB Star V510 PupNucleus of a Future Planetary Nebula
V. G. Klochkova and E. L. Chentsov
pp. 301-314
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A Method for Molecular-Line Radiative-Transfer Computations and Its Application to a Two-Dimensional Model for the Starless Core L1544
Ya. N. Pavlyuchenkov and B. M. Shustov
pp. 315-326
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The Dust Envelope of R CrB in June 2001: Detection of a Compact IR Source
B. F. Yudin
pp. 327-331
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Thermal Instability in the Envelopes of WolfRayet Stars
V. G. Gorbatskii
pp. 332-336
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A Spindown Mechanism for Short-Period Radio Pulsars
I. F. Malov
pp. 337-341
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Acceleration of Multiply Charged Ions of the Anomalous Cosmic-Ray Component at the Heliosphere Boundary
V. M. Ostryakov, M. F. Stovpyuk, and V. P. Shevel'ko
pp. 342-351
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