Astronomy Letters -- March 2000
Volume 26, Issue 3,
pp. 129-197
Spectroscopy of Candidate Metal-Deficient Galaxies with the 6-m Telescope
A. Yu. Kniazev, S. A. Pustilnik, A. V. Ugryumov, and T. F. Kniazeva
pp. 129-143
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A Model for the Molecular Accretion Disk and H2O Maser in the Nucleus of the Galaxy NGC 4258
N. S. Babkovskaya and D. A. Varshalovich
pp. 144-152
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A Giant Bipolar Shell around the WO Star in the Galaxy IC 1613: Structure and Kinematics
V. L. Afanas'ev, T. A. Lozinskaya, A. V. Moiseev, and E. Blanton
pp. 153-161
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Evolution of the Symbiotic Star AS 338 after Its Strong Outburst in 1983
V. F. Esipov, E. A. Kolotilov, J. Mikolajewska, U. Munari, A. A. Tatarnikova, A. M. Tatarnikov, T. Tomov, and B. F. Yudin
pp. 162-176
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DopplerZeeman Mapping of the Rapidly Rotating Magnetic CP Star HD 37776
V. L. Khokhlova, D. V. Vasilchenko, V. V. Stepanov, and I. I. Romanyuk
pp. 177-191
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Mesostructure of the Solar Granulation
H. I. Abdussamatov
pp. 192-197
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