Astronomy Reports -- January 2005
Volume 49, Issue 1,
pp. 1-78
Observations of Very-High-Energy Gamma Rays from Mrk421 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 2002
V. V. Fidelis
pp. 1-4
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Blazars with SpineSheath Structures
A. B. Pushkarev, D. C. Gabuzda, Yu. N. Vetukhnovskaya, and V. E. Yakimov
pp. 5-12
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Formation of Supermassive Black Holes due to the Tidal Deceleration of Stellar Black Holes, Globular Clusters, and Galaxies
A. V. Tutukov
pp. 13-23
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Interaction of a Cosmological Gamma-ray Burst with a Dense Molecular Cloud and the Formation of Jets
M. V. Barkov and G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
pp. 24-35
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Visual Extinction Towards the Omega Nebula (M17) and the Ionization of Nitrogen in the Nebula
Yu. I. Glushkov, V. F. Esipov, and L. N. Kondrat'eva
pp. 36-43
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Monitoring of the H2O Maser W31(2) in 19812003
E. E. Lekht, V. A. Munitsyn, and A. M. Tolmachev
pp. 44-56
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Dissipationless Disk Accretion
S. V. Bogovalov and S. R. Kel'ner
pp. 57-70
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The Structure of the Coronal-Streamer Belt
M. V. Eselevich and V. G. Eselevich
pp. 71-78
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