Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- February 2004
Volume 98, Issue 2,
pp. 171-393
Quantum Nonlocality Effect and Radiative Damping of the Dirac Electron
G. F. Efremov and V. V. Sharkov
pp. 171-180
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Corrections to Deuterium Hyperfine Structure due to Deuteron Excitations
I. B. Khriplovich and A. I. Milstein
pp. 181-185
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Photon Propagation in a Supercritical Magnetic Field
A. E. Shabad
pp. 186-196
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Clustering in Molecular Gases Freely Expanding into Vacuum
A. A. Vostrikov and D. Yu. Dubov
pp. 197-206
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Nonergodic Nuclear Depolarization in Nanocavities
E. B. Fel'dman and M. G. Rudavets
pp. 207-219
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Second- and Third-Harmonic Generation by Carbon Nanotubes Irradiated with Femtosecond Laser Pulses
D. A. Akimov, M. V. Alfimov, S. O. Konorov, A. A. Ivanov, S. Botti, A. A. Podshivalov, R. Ciardi, L. De Dominicis, L. S. Asilyan, R. Fantoni, and A. M. Zheltikov
pp. 220-226
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Four-Photon Correlations in Parametric Down-Conversion
O. A. Ivanova and M. V. Chekhova
pp. 227-230
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Quantum Tomography as a New Approach to Simulating Quantum Processes
A. S. Arkhipov and Yu. E. Lozovik
pp. 231-239
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An Analog of the MigdalKohn Singularity and the Radiation Width of the High-Frequency Branch of the Polariton Spectrum for a Bounded Crystal of the J-Aggregate Type
O. A. Dubovsky
pp. 240-247
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The Contribution of the Central Region of the Electron Energy Spectrum to the Total Double Photoionization Cross Section of Helium in the Asymptotic Nonrelativistic Energy Region
A. I. Mikhailov and I. A. Mikhailov
pp. 248-253
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Dynamic Hyperpolarizabilities of Excited States of Hydrogen
N. L. Manakov, S. I. Marmo, and E. A. Pronin
pp. 254-271
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Parametric Frequency Conversion in Layered Nonlinear Media
G. Kh. Kitaeva and A. N. Penin
pp. 272-286
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Coagulation and Growth Mechanisms for Dust Particles in a Low-Temperature Plasma
M. A. Olevanov, Yu. A. Mankelevich, and T. V. Rakhimova
pp. 287-304
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The Permittivity of a Monatomic Gas with Spatial Dispersion
V. P. Makarov and A. A. Rukhadze
pp. 305-315
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Effect of Elastic Deformations on the Critical Behavior of Disordered Systems with Long-Range Interactions
S. V. Belim
pp. 316-321
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Cascades of Atomic Displacements in Solids: The Ballistic Stage
I. M. Dremin, O. V. Ivanov, V. A. Nechitailo, V. P. Shevel'ko, N. M. Sobolevskii, and A. V. Subbotin
pp. 322-333
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Delocalized Dislocations in Quantum Dots
I. A. Ovid'ko and A. G. Sheinerman
pp. 334-337
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Effect of Long-Range Interactions on the Multicritical Behavior of Homogeneous Systems
S. V. Belim
pp. 338-340
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Electronic Properties
Coherent Phonons in NdBa2Cu3O7 x Single Crystals: Optical-Response Anisotropy and Hysteretic Behavior
O. V. Misochko, M. V. Lebedev, N. Georgiev, and T. Dekorsy
pp. 341-347
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Effective Equation of Nonlinear Pulse Evolution in a Randomly Anisotropic Medium
I. V. Kolokolov and K. S. Turitsyn
pp. 348-351
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Structure of the Stochastic Layer in a Driven Pendulum
V. V. Vecheslavov
pp. 352-358
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Behavior of Reaction-Diffusion Waves with Fast Activator Diffusion near Propagation Threshold
A. Yu. Dovzhenko and É. N. Rumanov
pp. 359-365
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Heat Capacity of Isolated Clusters
R. S. Berry and B. M. Smirnov
pp. 366-373
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On the Transmission Rate of Classical Information through Quantum Communication Channels
S. N. Molotkov
pp. 374-389
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Bound States of an Electron and a Macroscopic Cluster at a Liquid Helium Surface
E. V. Lebedeva, A. M. Dyugaev, and P. D. Grigor'ev
pp. 390-393
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