Astronomy Letters -- July 2002
Volume 28, Issue 7,
pp. 423-493
Do the Fundamental Constants Vary in the Course of Cosmological Evolution?
A. V. Ivanchik, E. Rodriguez, P. Petitjean, and D. A. Varshalovich
pp. 423-427
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A Simple Model for the Evaporation of Black Holes at Final Stages
S. O. Alexeyev, A. Barrow, G. Bowdole, M. V. Sazhin, and O. S. Khovanskaya
pp. 428-433
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On the Equation of State for the Lambda Field
D. I. Podolsky
pp. 434-437
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Magnetic Fields of Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars: Redshift Dependence
Yu. N. Gnedin and N. A. Silant'ev
pp. 438-442
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A Spectroscopic Study of the Peculiar Galaxy UGC 5600
L. V. Shalyapina, A. V. Moiseev, and V. A. Yakovleva
pp. 443-453
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Kinematic Parameters of Young Subsystems and the Galactic Rotation Curve
M. V. Zabolotskikh, A. S. Rastorguev, and A. K. Dambis
pp. 454-464
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Analytic Formulas for the Mass-Transfer Rate and the Evolution of a Close Binary System of Neutron (Degenerate) Stars
V. S. Imshennik and D. V. Popov
pp. 465-475
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On the Production of Chemical Elements Beyond the Iron Peak
I. V. Panov and V. M. Chechetkin
pp. 476-487
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On the Acceleration of Solar-Flare Charged Particles in a Collapsing Magnetic Trap with an Electric Potential
V. A. Kovalev and B. V. Somov
pp. 488-493
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