JETP Letters -- March 10, 1999
Volume 69, Issue 5,
pp. 365-426
On the possible enhancement of the magnetic field by neutrino reemission processes in the mantle of a supernova
A. A. Gvozdev and I. S. Ognev
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Excitation of tantalum-181 nuclei in a high-temperature femtosecond laser plasma
A. V. Andreev, R. V. Volkov, V. M. Gordienko, P. M. Mikheev, A. B. Savel'ev, E. V. Tkalya, O. V. Chutko, A. A. Shashkov, and A. M. Dykhne
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On the phase state of the core matter in a high-power discharge through a wire
S. A. Pikuz, G. V. Ivanenkov, T. A. Shelkovenko, and D. Hammer
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Production of monochromatic radiation in an argon plasma by means of acoustic waves
A. R. Aramyan
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Giant negative magnetoresistance in a nonmagnetic semiconductor
A. B. Henriques, N. F. Oliveira, Jr., S. A. Obukhov, and V. A. Sanina
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Effect of asymmetry of CuO2 layers in copper oxides on the anomalous neutron scattering near Tc
V. M. Edelstein
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Macroscopic coherent tunneling in a small particle of an uncompensated antiferromagnet in a strong magnetic field
B. A. Ivanov and V. E. Kireev
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Magnetically two-phase state in Eu1 xAxMnO3 (A=Ca, Sr)
A. I. Abramovich, R. V. Demin, L. I. Koroleva, A. V. Michurin, and A. I. Smirnitskaya
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Role of the curvature of atomic layers in electron field emission from graphitic nanostructured carbon
A. N. Obraztsov, A. P. Volkov, I. Yu. Pavlovskii, A. L. Chuvilin, N. A. Rudina, and V. L. Kuznetsov
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Weak collapse in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Yu. N. Ovchinnikov
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Hierarchical representation of generalized (nonadditive) thermodynamics
A. I. Olemskoi
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