Astronomy Reports -- November 2005
Volume 49, Issue 11,
pp. 859-945
Variations in the Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Radiation from the Blazar H 1426+428
V. V. Fidelis, Yu. I. Neshpor, V. S. Eliseev, N. A. Zhogolev, E. M. Nekhai, and Z. N. Skiruta
pp. 859-862
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The Chemical Evolution of Globular Clusters
M. V. Kas'yanova and Yu. A. Shchekinov
pp. 863-870
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A Model for the Population of Helium Stars in the Galaxy: Low-Mass Stars
L. R. Yungelson and A. V. Tutukov
pp. 871-883
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Three-Dimensional Gas-Dynamical Modeling of Changes in the Flow Structure during the Transition from the Quiescent to the Active State in Symbiotic Stars
M. Mitsumoto, B. Jahanara, T. Matsuda, K. Oka, D. V. Bisikalo, E. Yu. Kilpio, H. M. J. Boffin, A. A. Boyarchuk, and O. A. Kuznetsov
pp. 884-891
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Hydrodynamical Modeling of Circularization in Close Binary Systems in Early Stages of Their Evolution on the Dynamical Time Scale
V. G. Karetnikov and F. V. Sirotkin
pp. 892-904
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Asymmetry Function of Interstellar Scintillations of Pulsars
V. I. Shishov and T. V. Smirnova
pp. 905-915
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Hard X-ray and Gamma-Ray Flares on the Sun: Stereoscopic Effects near the Limb from Observations on the 2001 Mars Odyssey Spacecraft and Near-Earth Spacecraft
M. A. Livshits, V. A. Chernetskii, I. G. Mitrofanov, A. S. Kozyrev, M. L. Litvak, A. B. Sanin, V. I. Tret'yakov, W. Boynton, K. Shinohara, and D. Hamara
pp. 916-931
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The Proportion of Hot and Cold Regions in the Polar Solar Corona during 19572002
V. I. Makarov and A. G. Tlatov
pp. 932-938
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The Radio Brightness Distribution along the Solar Limb Observed on the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope
B. B. Krissinel'
pp. 939-945
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