Astronomy Letters -- February 2003
Volume 29, Issue 2,
pp. 65-132
Delay of Emission from Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Burst Sources As a Test for Selecting a Model of the Universe
E. G. Vertogradova, Yu. S. Grishkan, and V. B. Petkov
pp. 65-69
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Density Distribution in Massive Galactic Disks with a Central Black Hole
N. R. Sibgatullin, A. Garcia, and V. S. Manko
pp. 70-76
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Detailed Kinematic Study of the Ionized and Neutral Gas in the Complex of Star Formation in the Galaxy IC 1613
T. A. Lozinskaya, A. V. Moiseev, and N. Yu. Podorvanyuk
pp. 77-90
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Detection of Giant Pulses from the Pulsar PSR B1112+50
A. A. Ershov and A. D. Kuzmin
pp. 91-95
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Peculiarities of Processing VLBI Observations of Pulsars
K. V. Semenkov, M. V. Popov, V. A. Soglasnov, and H. Hirabayashi
pp. 96-104
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Variability of the Halpha and Na I D Line Profiles in the Spectrum of FU Ori
L. Errico, A. Vittone, and S. A. Lamzin
pp. 105-110
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Role of Anisotropy of the Initial Particle Distribution in the Acceleration in Collapsing Solar-Flare Traps
V. A. Kovalev and B. V. Somov
pp. 111-115
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Parametric Generation of Magnetoacoustic-Gravity Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
M. Yu. Petukhov and Yu. V. Petukhov
pp. 116-125
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The Region of Stable Motions around a Periodic Eight-Like Orbit in the General Three-Body Problem
V. V. Orlov, A. V. Rubinov, and A. D. Chernin
pp. 126-132
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