Astronomy Letters -- March 2005
Volume 31, Issue 3,
pp. 147-219
Constraints on the Photon Charge from Observations of Extragalactic Sources
V. V. Kobychev and S. B. Popov
pp. 147-151
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Global Properties of Nearby Galaxies in Various Environments
I. D. Karachentsev and A. V. Kasparova
pp. 152-159
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The Gas Content in Galactic Disks: Correlation with Kinematics
A. V. Zasov and A. A. Smirnova
pp. 160-170
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Parameters of the Spiral Structure of the Galaxy from Data on Open Star Clusters
M. E. Popova and A. V. Loktin
pp. 171-178
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Interaction of the Supernova Remnant HB3 with the Ambient Interstellar Gas
I. V. Gosachinskii
pp. 179-185
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Strong Cosmic-Ray Scattering in an Anisotropic Random Magnetic Field
Yu. P. Mel'nikov and I. N. Toptygin
pp. 186-193
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The SCORPIO Universal Focal Reducer of the 6-m Telescope
V. L. Afanasiev and A. V. Moiseev
pp. 194-204
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Moments of Inertia and the Chandlerian Period for Two- and Three-Layer Models of the Galilean Satellite Io
V. N. Zharkov and A. L. Sobisevich
pp. 205-212
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Analysis of the Neighborhood of the 2 : 1 Resonance in the Equal-Mass Three-Body Problem
A. I. Martynova, V. V. Orlov, and L. L. Sokolov
pp. 213-219
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