Astronomy Reports -- February 2000
Volume 44, Issue 2,
pp. 65-137
Observational Manifestations of Gaseous Baryon Dark Matter
Yu. A. Shchekinov
pp. 65-75
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Analysis of Elemental Abundances in the Atmospheres of Three Hyades Red Giants
A. A. Boyarchuk, L. I. Antipova, M. E. Boyarchuk, and I. S. Savanov
pp. 76-88
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Photometric Parameters of the Dwarf Nova SS Cygni in the Quiescent State
I. B. Voloshina and T. S. Khruzina
pp. 89-102
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The Large-Scale Magnetic Field on the Sun: The Equatorial Region
V. N. Obridko and B. D. Shel'ting
pp. 103-111
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On Stereoimages of Some Structures in the Solar Atmosphere
A. A. Vedenov, V. A. Koutvitsky, S. Koutchmy, M. M. Molodensky, and V. N. Oraevsky
pp. 112-121
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Effects of Instability of the Earth and Celestial Coordinate Systems on Earth Orientation Parameters
V. E. Zharov, M. V. Sazhin, and N. A. Chuikova
pp. 122-137
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