JETP Letters -- December 10, 1999
Volume 70, Issue 11,
pp. 711-785
Vierbein walls in condensed matter
G. E. Volovik
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Quark and gluon condensates in a magnetic field
N. O. Agasian and I. A. Shushpanov
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Amplification of the generation of the sum-frequency signal in multilayer periodic structures at the edges of the Bragg band gap
A. V. Balakin, V. A. Bushuev, B. I. Mantsyzov, P. Masselin, I. A. Ozheredov, A. P. Shkurinov, and D. Boucher
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Temperature dependence of the spin polarization of composite fermions
I. V. Kukushkin, K. von Klitzing, K. G. Levchenko, and Yu. E. Lozovik
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Ostwald step rule in films of metastable nanocrystalline alloys FeC prepared by pulsed plasma vaporization
R. S. Iskhakov, S. V. Komogortsev, S. V. Stolyar, D. E. Prokof'ev, V. S. Zhigalov, and A. D. Balaev
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Fluctuations in random RLC networks: nonlinear sigma-model description
Yan V. Fyodorov
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Variational procedure and generalized Lanczos recursion for small-amplitude classical oscillations
E. V. Tsiper
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Condensed water in superfluid He-II
L. T. Mezhov-Deglin and A. M. Kokotin
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Magnetoplastic effect in LiF crystals and longitudinal spin relaxation
V. I. Al'shits and E. V. Darinskaya
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Quantum Hall effect in the bulk semiconductors bismuth and antimony tellurides: proof of the existence of a current-carrier reservoir
V. A. Kul'bachinskii, A. Yu. Kaminskii, N. Miyajima, M. Sasaki, H. Negishi, M. Inoue, and H. Kadomatsu
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The widths of single-particle states of anisotropic, strongly correlated electron systems in solids
V. A. Khodel and M. V. Zverev
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Asymmetry of the propagation of conformational excitations in a double-strand DNA molecule
V. L. Golo, Yu. M. Evdokimov, and E. I. Kats
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