Astronomy Reports -- October 2000
Volume 44, Issue 10,
pp. 641-710
The Active Galaxy 3C 66A: A Variable Source of Very High-Energy Gamma-Rays
Yu. I. Neshpor, A. A. Stepanyan, O. R. Kalekin, N. A. Zhogolev, V. P. Fomin, N. N. Chalenko, and V. G. Shitov
pp. 641-646
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Amplification of Spiral Density Waves in Gaseous and Dust Galactic Disks as a Result of Interaction with the Halo
V. A. Antonov and A. S. Baranov
pp. 647-653
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Studies of Weak Compact Radio Sources
S. A. Tyul'bashev and O. I. Malov
pp. 654-658
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Turbulent Diffusion in the Interstellar Medium
V. G. Lamburt, D. D. Sokolov, and V. N. Tutubalin
pp. 659-664
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Globular Cluster Subsystems in the Galaxy
T. V. Borkova and V. A. Marsakov
pp. 665-684
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Parameters for the Dust Envelope of the Protoplanetary Nebula IRAS 18062 + 2410
M. B. Bogdanov
pp. 685-688
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Rapid UBVRI Photometry of the Active Flare Stars EV Lac and AD Leo
I. Yu. Alekseev, V. E. Chalenko, and D. N. Shakhovskoi
pp. 689-695
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Statistics of BY Draconis Variables
I. Yu. Alekseev
pp. 696-700
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Evolution of Solar Magnetic Tubes from Observations of Stokes Parameters
V. A. Sheminova and A. S. Gadun
pp. 701-710
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