Astronomy Reports -- November 2000
Volume 44, Issue 11,
pp. 711-779
The Stellar Epoch in the Evolution of the Galaxy
A. V. Tutukov, B. M. Shustov, and D. S. Wiebe
pp. 711-718
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Radio Synchrotron Emission by Protons and Electrons in Pulsars and the Nuclei of Quasars
N. S. Kardashev
pp. 719-724
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Determination of Molecular Gas Properties Using Methyl Cyanide Lines
S. V. Kalenskii , V. G. Promislov, A. V. Alakoz, A. Winnberg, and L. E. B. Johansson
pp. 725-737
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Discovery of Rapid Spectral Variability in the Ap Star chi Psc
S. G. Aliev and N. Z. Ismailov
pp. 738-744
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Reconstruction of the Brightness Distribution Across a Stellar Disk from Gravitational Lensing Caustic Passage Observations
M. B. Bogdanov and A. M. Cherepashchuk
pp. 745-753
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Are Anomalous X-ray Pulsars and Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters Magnetars?
Ya. I. Istomin and B. V. Komberg
pp. 754-758
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The Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Field and 11-Year Activity Cycles
V. I. Makarov and A. G. Tlatov
pp. 759-764
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Variations of the Solar-Wind Stream Structure in the Region of Subsonic Flow during the 11-Year Solar Cycle
N. A. Lotova, V. N. Obridko, and K. V. Vladimirskii
pp. 765-770
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The Solar Dynamo and Integrated Irradiance Variations in the Course of the 11-Year Cycle
V. V. Pipin and L. L. Kichatinov
pp. 771-779
Full Text: PDF (263 kB)