Doklady Physics -- June 2001
Volume 46, Issue 6,
pp. 377-451
The Eikonal Equation in Parametrized Nonlinear Electrodynamics of Vacuum
V. I. Denisov and I. P. Denisova
pp. 377-379
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Attenuation of Autowaves
A. Yu. Dovzhenko, S. V. Maklakov, I. E. Rumanov, and É. N. Rumanov
pp. 380-383
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Polya Hypothesis and Variational Inequalities for Polarizabilities of Dielectric Bodies
V. P. Kazantsev
pp. 384-388
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A Minimum of the Lattice Vibration Frequency as a Function of the Electrostatic Field and the Soft-Mode Concept
A. Leyderman, O. E. Fesenko, S. P. Hernández-Rivera, and E. E. Fesenko
pp. 389-392
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Fractal Nature of Sea Surface Reverberation
L. M. Lyamshev
pp. 393-395
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Critical Phenomena in Plasmas and Electrolyte Melts
G. A. Martynov
pp. 396-399
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On a Discrepancy of Experiments Supporting Certain Conclusions of General Relativity
V. V. Okorokov
pp. 400-402
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Viscosity of Liquids in the Melting Line and in the Supercooled State
V. P. Skripov and M. Z. Faizullin
pp. 403-406
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Exact Dispersion Equations for Waveguide Modes of a Graded-Index Optical Fiber
V. I. Krivenkov
pp. 407-409
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Dissociative Excitation of SrCl Molecules in e-SrCl2 Collisions
Yu. M. Smirnov
pp. 410-413
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Propagation of Longitudinal Acoustic Waves in a Thin Elastic Strip Coated by a Layer of a Viscous Liquid
S. L. Bazhenov, A. K. Rogozinskii, and A. A. Berlin
pp. 414-417
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Propagation of Longitudinal Acoustic Waves in a Thin Cylindrical Pipe Filled with a Liquid
S. L. Bazhenov, A. K. Rogozinskii, and A. A. Berlin
pp. 418-421
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Multisolitons in a Liquid with Gas Bubbles of Two Different Sizes
V. E. Nakoryakov and V. E. Dontsov
pp. 422-424
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An Effect of a Lift Force on the Structure of Attached Internal Waves in a Continuously Stratified Fluid
Yu. D. Chashechkin and V. V. Mitkin
pp. 425-428
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A Hyperbolic Model for Viscous Mixed Flows
B. V. Rogov and I. A. Sokolova
pp. 429-433
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Parametric Resonance in Systems with Weak Dissipation
A. P. Seyranian and A. A. Mailybaev
pp. 434-439
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On a Unique and Complete Description of the Axisymmetric Supercritical Behavior of a Shallow Spherical Cup
É. I. Grigolyuk and E. A. Lopanitsyn
pp. 440-444
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Two-Dimensional Pressure Waves in a Liquid Containing Bubble Zones
R. I. Nigmatulin, V. Sh. Shagapov, I. K. Gimaltdinov, and M. N. Galimzyanov
pp. 445-451
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