JETP Letters -- May 25, 1997
Volume 65, Issue 10,
pp. 763-832
Possible origin and spectrum of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
A. V. Uryson
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Inclusive semileptonic decays of B mesons
S. Ya. Kotkovskii
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New possibilities for producing photon echoes from a homogeneous ensemble of atoms and with the use of a single light pulse
G. N. Nikolaev
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Quantum theory of cooling of atoms below the one-photon recoil energy by a pulsed field
A. V. Taichenachev, A. M. Tumaikin, and V. I. Yudin
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Properties of IR-active lattice vibrations in the vicinity of kinks in the FrenkelKontorova model
V. M. Burlakov and M. A. Moskalenko
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Quasiparticle dynamics and phase locking in a SIS multilayer Josephson junction
D. A. Ryndyk
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Solitary flexural waves on a supersonic domain wall in yttrium orthoferrite
M. V. Chetkin, Yu. N. Kurbatova, and V. N. Filatov
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Fine structure of excitonic levels in quantum dots
R. I. Dzhioev, B. P. Zakharchenya, E. L. Ivchenko, V. L. Korenev, Yu. G. Kusraev, N. N. Ledentsov, V. M. Ustinov, A. E. Zhukov, and A. F. Tsatsul'nikov
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Competition between nuclear ferromagnetism and superconductivity
A. M. Dyugaev, I. D. Vagner, and P. Wyder
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Localized states at the helicoidal phase transition
A. Buzdin and Y. Meurdesoif
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Stripe motion in CuO2 planes ofY1 xPrxBa2Cu3O7 as observed from the Cu(2) quadrupole resonance
M. A. Teplov, Yu. A. Sakhratov, A. V. Dooglav, A. V. Egorov, E. V. Krjukov, and O. P. Zaitsev
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Observation of stochastic resonance in a monostable magnetic system
A. N. Grigorenko, P. I. Nikitin, and G. V. Roshchepkin
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