Doklady Physics -- February 2000
Volume 45, Issue 2,
pp. 47-91
Nonlocal Diffusion of Vortices in the Magnetic-Flux Creep Region inside a Hard Superconductor
V. R. Romanovskii
pp. 47-51
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On a Relation between Strains and Vortices in Hydrodynamic Flows
V. A. Dubrovskii
pp. 52-54
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Fractal Dimensionality of a Surface as an Order Parameter
Ya. L. Kobelev, L. Ya. Kobelev, and E. P. Romanov
pp. 55-57
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Plastic Deformation of Structurally Inhomogeneous Martensite in gamma-Manganese Alloys after FCCFCT Transformation
E. Z. Vintaikin and G. I. Nosova
pp. 58-61
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Solving Problems of the Optimum Control on the Basis of Atomic Functions
V. F. Kravchenko, A. A. Kuraev, and V. I. Pustovoit
pp. 62-64
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Temperature Modifications of Structural and Magnetic Characteristics of Multicomponent Amorphous Cobalt-Base Alloys
V. A. Polukhin, L. I. Malkina, and N. A. Vatolin
pp. 65-69
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TranslationalRotary Motion as a New Method for Attacking Astrometric Problems in Theory of the Earth's Rotation
Yu. G. Markov, L. V. Rykhlova, and I. V. Skorobogatykh
pp. 70-73
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"Sakhalin" Pulsed MHD 500 MW Power System Based on Solid-Propellant Fuel
E. P. Velikhov, O. G. Matveenko, V. P. Panchenko, V. D. Pismennyi, A. A. Yakushev, A. V. Pisakin, A. G. Blokh, B. G. Tkachenko, N. M. Sergeenko, V. B. Zhukov, Yu. P. Babakov, E. F. Zhegrov, V. A. Polyakov, V. A. Glukhikh, G. Sh. Manukyan, V. A. Krylov, V. A. Vesnin, V. A. Parkhomenko, E. M. Sukharev, and Ya. I. Malashko
pp. 74-79
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On Critical Modes of an Inhomogeneous Plate
Yu. A. Ustinov
pp. 80-83
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Self-Maintained Glow Discharge in a Hypersonic Air Flow
V. M. Fomin, T. A. de Roquefort, A. V. Lebedev, and A. I. Ivanchenko
pp. 84-87
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Instability and Gradual Loss of Smoothness Inherent in Flows of Perfect Fluid
V. I. Yudovich
pp. 88-91
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