Doklady Physics -- March 2000
Volume 45, Issue 3,
pp. 93-128
On a Peculiarity of Structure Formation in Combustion of High-Caloric Metallothermic Compounds under Microgravity Conditions
A. G. Merzhanov, V. N. Sanin, and V. I. Yukhvid
pp. 93-96
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Approximation of a Given Function by Integral Functions of the Exponential Type
E. G. Zelkin, V. F. Kravchenko, V. I. Pustovoit, and V. V. Timoshenko
pp. 97-100
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Twinning in Gadfield-Steel Single Crystals
Yu. I. Chumlyakov, I. V. Kireeva, E. I. Litvinova, E. G. Zakharova, N. V. Luzginova, S. P. Efimenko, H. Seihitoglu, and I. Karaman
pp. 101-104
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Dependence of Elastic Properties of Microheterogeneous Polymeric Materials on Molecular and Structural Parameters
V. E. Zgaevskii
pp. 105-107
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Excitation of a System of Superconducting Antennas
V. F. Kravchenko, V. I. Pustovoit, N. A. Khizhnyak, and N. M. Yatsenko
pp. 108-114
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Isotropy Conditions and the Generalized Associate Law of Plastic Flow
D. D. Ivlev, A. Yu. Ishlinskii, and L. A. Maksimova
pp. 115-117
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On Dynamic Materials
I. I. Blekhman and K. A. Lurie
pp. 118-121
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Nonmonotone Time Dependence of Dynamic Fracture Viscosity of Solids
N. F. Morozov, Yu. V. Petrov, and V. V. Taraban
pp. 122-124
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A Criterion of Stability in the Lyapunov Sense for a Family of Periodic Solutions
O. V. Druzhinina
pp. 125-128
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