JETP Letters -- August 25, 1997
Volume 66, Issue 4,
pp. 229-303
The imaginary-time method for relativistic problems
V. S. Popov, V. D. Mur, and B. M. Karnakov
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Resonance enhancement of diffuse scattering of x-rays in a waveguide heterostructure
A. V. Andreev, Yu. V. Ponomarev, I. R. Prudnikov, and N. N. Salashchenko
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Kinetics of the photoconductivity and absorption in the D(A+) bands in doped silicon
Ya. E. Pokrovskii, O. I. Smirnova, and N. A. Khval'kovskii
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Degenerate slightly nonideal Bose gas in a parabolic trap
V. A. Alekseev and D. D. Krylova
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Nature of conduction via impurities in uncompensated silicon
A. P. Mel'nikov, Yu. A. Gurvich, E. M. Gershenzon, and L. N. Shestakov
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Structural transformations of the cumulene form of amorphous carbyne at high pressure
T. D. Varfolomeeva, S. V. Popova, A. G. Lyapin, V. V. Brazhkin, S. G. Lyapin, Yu. P. Kudryavtsev, and S. E. Evsyukov
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Some special features of the transition to chaos in the self-modulation of surface spin waves
V. E. Demidov and N. G. Kovshikov
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Magnetism and structural phase transitions in LiTmF4 powders
A. V. Klochkov, V. V. Naletov, I. R. Mukhamedshin, M. S. Tagirov, D. A. Tayurskii, and H. Suzuki
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Specific features of the dielectric spectra of the liquid crystal 5CB in the decimeter wavelength range
B. A. Belyaev, N. A. Drokin, V. F. Shabanov, and V. N. Shepov
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Ferromagnetism of manganese compounds
R.O. Zaitsev
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Pseudocritical point on the melting curve of a metastable phase
E. G. Ponyatovskii
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Quantum dot multiexcitons in a magnetic field
V. D. Kulakovskii, M. Bayer, M. Michel, A. Forchel, T. Gutbrod, and F. Faller
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Features of the melting dynamics of a vortex lattice in a high-Tc superconductor in the presence of pinning centers
M. E. Gracheva, V. A. Kashurnikov, and I. A. Rudnev
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Single-electron computing without dissipation
A. M. Bychkov, L. A. Openov, and I. A. Semenihin
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