JETP Letters -- December 25, 2000
Volume 72, Issue 12,
pp. 593-621
Search for T-Odd LeftRight Asymmetry of Prompt Neutron Emission in Binary Fission of the 233U and 239Pu nuclei by Slow Polarized Neutrons
G. V. Danilyan, V. A. Krakhotin, V. S. Pavlov, A. V. Fedorov, E. I. Korobkina, and E. Lelivre-Berna
pp. 593-594
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High-Precision Calculations of the 3,1P01 --> 1S0 E1 Amplitudes for Magnesium, Calcium, and Strontium
S. G. Porsev, M. G. Kozlov, and Yu. G. Rakhlina
pp. 595-598
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(139La, 55Mn) NMR and Magnetic Susceptibility Data on Microscopic Phase Separation in La0.9MnO3 Single Crystal
K. N. Mikhalev, S. A. Lekomtsev, A. P. Gerashchenko, V. E. Arkhipov, A. V. Korolev, Ya. M. Mukovskii, and A. A. Arsenov
pp. 599-602
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Characteristics of the Magnetic Microstructure of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Ferromagnets with a Random Anisotropy: Theoretical Estimates and Experiment
R. S. Iskhakov, S. V. Komogortsev, Zh. M. Moroz, and E. E. Shalygina
pp. 603-607
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Explanation of Critical Angular Velocities of the Vortex Formation in a Stirred BoseEinstein Condensate
A. A. Kozhevnikov
pp. 608-611
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Large Magnetoresistance in an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Semiconductor
N. I. Solin and S. V. Naumov
pp. 612-615
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Magnetic Susceptibility of Noninteracting Fermions in a Confined Geometry
A. R. Minnullin and D. A. Tayurskii
pp. 616-620
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To the Memory of Our Contributors
p. 621
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