JETP Letters -- July 25, 2002
Volume 76, Issue 2,
pp. 77-114
Fundamental Constants in Effective Theory
G. E. Volovik
pp. 77-79
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T-Odd Correlation in Polarized Neutron Decay
V. V. Bytev and E. A. Kuraev
pp. 80-83
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Three-Dimensional Spiral Structures in a Ferromagnet
A. B. Borisov
pp. 84-87
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Untwisting of the Helical Structure in a Plane Layer of Chiral Liquid Crystal
V. A. Belyakov
pp. 88-92
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Microscopic Derivation of GinzburgLandau-Type Functionals for Alloys and Their Application to Studies of Antiphase and Interphase Boundaries
V. G. Vaks
pp. 93-98
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Soft Mode and Magnetic Phase Transition in PrNi
P. A. Alekseev, E. S. Klement'ev, P. Allenspach, Yu. I. Chumlyakov, V. N. Lazukov, and I. P. Sadikov
pp. 99-103
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Structural Model for Vitrification of Pure Metals
A. V. Evteev, A. T. Kosilov, and E. V. Levchenko
pp. 104-106
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Effect of Elastic Deformations on the Multicritical Behavior of Disordered Systems
S. V. Belim
pp. 107-111
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Quasi-Hexagonal Self-Organization of Nanoparticles upon the Laser-Controlled Deposition of Ga Atoms
V. I. Emel'yanov, K. I. Eremin, and N. I. Zheludev
pp. 112-114
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