JETP Letters -- September 25, 2002
Volume 76, Issue 6,
pp. 327-401
Gell-MannLow Function in QCD
I. M. Suslov
pp. 327-331
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The Upper Limit of the Branching Ratio for Radiative Beta Decay of Free Neutrons
M. Beck, J. Byrne, R. U. Khafizov, V. Yu. Kozlov, Yu. A. Mostovoi, O. V. Rozhnov, N. Severijns, and V. A. Solovei
pp. 332-336
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Coherent Diffraction Radiation of a 6-MeV Microtron Electron Beam
A. N. Aleinik, A. S. Aryshev, B. N. Kalinin, G. A. Naumenko, A. P. Potylitsyn, G. A. Saruev, A. F. Sharafutdinov, O. Yu. Malakhovskii, and E. A. Monastyrev
pp. 337-340
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Waveguide Modes of Hollow Photonic-Crystal Fibers
S. O. Konorov, A. B. Fedotov, O. A. Kolevatova, V. I. Beloglazov, N. B. Skibina, A. V. Shcherbakov, and A. M. Zheltikov
pp. 341-345
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Vortex Line Representation for Flows of Ideal and Viscous Fluids
E. A. Kuznetsov
pp. 346-350
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Formation of Two-Dimensional Crystal-Like Structures from Inclusions in Smectic C Films
P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, H. T. Nguyen, and V. K. Dolganov
pp. 351-354
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Mobility of Electrons on a Liquid-Helium Film with a Rough Substrate
V. Shikin
pp. 355-359
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Manifestation of Coulomb Gap in Two-Dimensional p-GaAsAlGaAs Structures with Filled Upper Hubbard Band
N. V. Agrinskaya, V. I. Kozub, V. M. Ustinov, A. V. Chernyaev, and D. V. Shamshur
pp. 360-364
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Low-Energy Photoluminescence of Structures with GeSi/Si(001) Self-Assembled Nanoislands
N. V. Vostokov, Yu. N. Drozdov, Z. F. Krasil'nik, D. N. Lobanov, A. V. Novikov, and A. N. Yablonskii
pp. 365-369
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Quantum Frequency Standards Based on the Soliton State of a BoseEinstein Condensate
Yu. V. Rozhdestvenskii, N. N. Rozanov, and V. A. Smirnov
pp. 370-373
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Quadrupolar Glass State in Para-Hydrogen and Ortho-Deuterium under Pressure
T. I. Schelkacheva
pp. 374-376
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On Effective Electron Mass of Silicon Field Structures at Low Electron Densities
V. T. Dolgopolov
pp. 377-379
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Generation of Strong Langmuir Fields during Optical Breakdown of a Dense Gas
N. V. Vvedenskii and V. B. Gildenburg
pp. 380-393
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Tunneling and Andreev Spectroscopies of High-Tc Superconductors
Ya. G. Ponomarev and E. G. Maksimov
pp. 394-400
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Erratum: Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Phase in Neutrino Oscillations (Pis'ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 74, 157 (2002) [JETP Lett. 74, 139 (2002)])
D. A. Ryzhikh and K. A. Ter-Martirosyan
p. 401
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Erratum: Optical Chaos in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals (Pis'ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 75, 206 (2002) [JETP Lett. 75, 174 (2002)])
K. N. Alekseev and A. V. Ponomarev
p. 401
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