Low Temperature Physics -- July 1997
Volume 23, Issue 7,
pp. 497-598
Fields and currents of AbrikosovJosephson vortices in a thin film
A. S. Malishevskii
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Quasiwaves in superconductors
E. V. Bezuglyi and A. V. Boichuk
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Simulation of resistive state of a granular superconductor
V. K. Ignatjev
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Hydrodynamic theory of magnets with strong exchange interaction
A. A. Isayev, M. Yu. Kovalevsky, and S. V. Peletminsky
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Classification of states and macroscopic degeneracy in an open XY-chain in transverse field
A. V. Loginov and Yu. V. Pereverzev
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Dynamic susceptibility of spin-1/2 Ising chain in transverse field
O. Derzhko and T. Krokhmalskii
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Emission Mössbauer study of CMR manganite La0.8Ca0.2MnO3. I. Anomalous ferromagnetism
V. Chechersky, A. Nath, H. Ju, and R. L. Greene
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Emission Mössbauer study of CMR manganite La0.8Ca0.2MnO3. II. Step-by-step snapshots of the metal-insulator transition
V. Chechersky, K. Nomura, A. Nath, H. Ju, and R. L. Greene
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Metallic point contacts formed by physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition: microscopy study and point-contact spectroscopy
N. N. Gribov, J. Caro, T. G. M. Oosterlaken, and S. Radelaar
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Peculiarities in the effect of hydrogen on CDW transition in NbSe3
Kh. B. Chashka, V. A. Bychko, M. A. Obolenskii, Raid Hasan, V. I. Beletskii, A. V. Basteev, and A. N. Prognimak
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Analysis of decomposition of impurityhelium solid phase
R. E. Boltnev, E. B. Gordon, I. N. Krushinskaya, M. V. Martynenko, A. A. Pelmenev, E. A. Popov, V. V. Khmelenko, and A. F. Shestakov
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Free and self-trapped excitons in rare-gas cryocrystals: coexistence and mixing of states
I. Ya. Fugol' and E. I. Tarasova
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Molecular adsorption states and sticking probability of D2 molecules on the W(110) surface at liquid helium temperatures
V. D. Osovskii, Yu. G. Ptushinskii, V. G. Sukretnyi, and B. A. Chuikov
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Weakly damping waves in quasi-two-dimensional conductors
V. G. Peschansky, D. A. Torjanik, and J. A. Roldan Lopez
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BlochSiegert type shift and indirect interaction between nuclear spins
L. L. Buishvili and T. L. Buishvili
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New modes of coupled electronripplon oscillations in a Wigner crystal in strong driving electric fields
V. E. Sivokon', V. V. Dotsenko, Yu. Z. Kovdrya, and V. N. Grigor'ev
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Victor Moiseevich Tsukernik: On His 70th Birthday
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