Low Temperature Physics -- August 1997
Volume 23, Issue 8,
pp. 599-683
Relaxation of concentration and temperature in superfluid mixtures 3He4He at low temperatures
K. È. Nemchenko
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Small-amplitude oscillations of magnetization accompanying long-lived spin-precession in 3He-B
G. A. Kharadze, N. G. Suramlishvili, and G. E. Vachnadze
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Scaling of critical current in granular HTS materials
N. A. Bogoliubov
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On peculiarities of superconducting state formation in 2D metallic systems
V. P. Gusynin, V. M. Loktev, and S. G. Sharapov
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Lower critical fields of textured high-Tc superconductors
V. A. Finkel' and V. V. Toryanik
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Nonlinear stationary profile waves in spatially disordered magnetic media
E. A. Ivanchenko
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Magnetic and galvanomagnetic properties of the ordering Pd2AuFe alloys
N. I. Kourov, L. N. Tyulenev, and T. Mydlars
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Giant magnetoresistance of La0.5Pb0.2Ca0.2Y0.1MnO3 delta films obtained by magnetron sputtering
S. I. Khartsev, V. N. Krivoruchko, and V. P. Pashchenko
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Spin structure of antiferromagnetic disclination
B. A. Ivanov, V. E. Kireev, and V. P. Voronov
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Dilatometric size effect in thin C60 films
A. T. Pugachev, N. P. Churakova, and N. I. Gorbenko
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Peculiarities of nonlinear electrical conductivity of two-dimensional ballistic contacts
M. V. Moskalets
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ThomasFermi screening of a moving surface charge
I. O. Kulik
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Study of surface phenomena in the ferroelastic phase transition in a semi-infinite crystal
N. M. Lavrinenko
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Neutron scattering and diffusive x-ray diffraction in acoustic modes in Nd2CuO4
D. V. Fil and A. L. Zazunov
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Effect of pressure on phase transitions in fluosilicate hexahydrates of bivalent metals
S. K. Asadov, È. A. Zavadskii, V. I. Kamenev, and B. M. Todris
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Influence of oxygen content and structural defects on low-temperature mechanical properties of high-temperature superconducting single crystals and ceramics
S. V. Lubenets, V. D. Natsik, L. S. Fomenko, H.-J. Kaufmann, V. S. Bobrov, and A. N. Izotov
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