JETP Letters -- December 10, 2002
Volume 76, Issue 11,
pp. 647-692
Confining String Formed by P vortices in the Indirect Z(2) Projection of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
V. G. Bornyakov, A. V. Kovalenko, M. I. Polikarpov, and D. A. Sigaev
pp. 647-650
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Possible Universal Cause of High-Tc Superconductivity in Different Metals
M. Ya. Amusia and V. R. Shaginyan
pp. 651-655
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Spin-Wave Resonance in Three-Layer NiFe/DyxCo1 x/NiFe Films as a Method for Detecting Structural Inhomogeneities in Amorphous DyxCo1 x Layers
R. S. Iskhakov, V. A. Seredkin, S. V. Stolyar, L. A. Chekanova, and V. Yu. Yakovchuk
pp. 656-659
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Electron-Filling Kinetics of 2D States on a Helium Film
V. B. Shikin
pp. 660-663
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Magnetic Collapse and the Change of Electronic Structure of FeBO3 Antiferromagnet under High Pressure
V. A. Sarkisyan, I. A. Troyan, I. S. Lyubutin, A. G. Gavrilyuk, and A. F. Kashuba
pp. 664-669
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Observation of Subgap Resistive Oscillations in Doubly Connected SNS Systems with the Suppressed Proximity Effect
Yu. N. Chiang and O. G. Shevchenko
pp. 670-674
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How Behavior of Systems with Sparse Spectrum Can Be Predicted on a Quantum Computer
Y. Ozhigov
pp. 675-680
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Interplay between the Structure and Properties of New Metastable Carbon Phases Obtained under High Pressures from Fullerite C60 and Carbyne
V. V. Brazhkin, A. G. Lyapin, S. V. Popova, S. C. Bayliss, T. D. Varfolomeeva, R. N. Voloshin, A. G. Gavrilyuk, M. V. Kondrin, V. V. Mukhamad'yarov, I. A. Troyan, S. V. Demishev, A. A. Pronin, and N. E. Sluchanko
pp. 681-692
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