JETP Letters -- February 25, 2003
Volume 77, Issue 4,
pp. 151-198
Cosmic Rays of Extremely High Energies and Pulsars
A. A. Mikhailov
pp. 151-153
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Stabilization of YangMills Chaos in Non-Abelian BornInfeld Theory
D. V. Gal'tsov and V. V. Dyadichev
pp. 154-157
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Hyper-Rayleigh Light Scattering in the Third Harmonic Generation in Silver Island Films
E. M. Kim, S. S. Elovikov, and O. A. Aktsipetrov
pp. 158-161
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Enrichment of the Nitrogen Atomic Component with the 15N Isotope in a Post-Discharge Zone
N. M. Gorshunov and S. V. Gudenko
pp. 162-166
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Refraction of Thermalized Electrons Emitted Ballistically into Vacuum from p+-GaAs-(Cs,O)
V. V. Bakin, A. A. Pakhnevich, S. N. Kosolobov, H. E. Scheibler, A. S. Jaroshevich, and A. S. Terekhov
pp. 167-171
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Many-Particle Interaction in Tunneling Spectroscopy of Impurity States on the InAs(110) Surface
P. I. Arseev, N. S. Maslova, V. I. Panov, S. V. Savinov, and C. van Haesendock
pp. 172-177
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Magnetoresistance of a Highly Correlated Electron Liquid
V. R. Shaginyan
pp. 178-181
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Influence of an Interface Double Electric Layer on the Superconducting Proximity Effect in Ferromagnetic Metals
V. M. Edelstein
pp. 182-186
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Spin Dynamics of Semiconductor Electrons in a Hybrid Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Structure
V. N. Gridnev
pp. 187-190
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Surface Instability of a Multicomponent Condensate and AndreevBashkin Effect
D. A. Abanin
pp. 191-195
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Practical Implementation of a Nontrivial Evolution "Unravelling" for a Resonantly Fluorescing Atom
L. V. Il'ichev
pp. 196-198
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