Technical Physics -- June 1999
Volume 44, Issue 6,
pp. 609-735
Numerical analysis of scattering of the electrostatic field of a two-electrode cell at conducting surfaces
S. I. Safronov and R. P. Tarasov
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Efficiency of reverse cycles
Yu. B. Barkovskii, E. N. Moos, and N. I. Tabunov
Full Text: PDF (66 kB)
Characteristic features of the formation of the vibrational distribution function of H2 molecules in a hydrogen stream
F. G. Baksht and V. G. Ivanov
Full Text: PDF (160 kB)
Nonlinear moment method for the isotropic Boltzmann equation and invariance of the collision integral
A. Ya. Énder and I. A. Énder
Full Text: PDF (154 kB)
Investigation of the charge distribution in the insulating envelope of a high-voltage vacuum device
V. D. Bochkov and M. M. Pogorel'skii
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Hollow cathode glow discharge in long tubes
S. P. Nikulin
Full Text: PDF (87 kB)
Characteristics of the backscattering of moderate-energy electrons by solids having different atomic numbers
Yu. D. Kornyushkin
Full Text: PDF (147 kB)
Distribution of 90° domain reorientations in lead titanate zirconate piezoceramic under longitudinal compression
M. G. Minchina and O. I. Yankovskii
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Influence of sample dimensions on the propagation velocity of magnetoelastic waves in amorphous metal alloys
A. A. Gavrilyuk, A. V. Gavrilyuk, and N. P. Kovaleva
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Microwave excitations of a domain wall in a cubic magnet with induced anisotropy
A. M. Alekseev, H. Dötsch, N. E. Kulagin, A. F. Popkov, and V. T. Synogach
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Phase transitions in a titaniumsilicon system under laser treatment in alkanes
A. M. Chaplanov and A. N. Shibko
Full Text: PDF (140 kB)
X-ray diffraction scattering and determination of the structural parameters of a film with a variable strain gradient
A. A. Dyshekov and Yu. P. Khapachev
Full Text: PDF (75 kB)
Nonlinear dynamics of the space charge in a photorefractive crystal under pulsed photoinjection
Yu. I. Kuz'min
Full Text: PDF (163 kB)
Panoramic measurements of electron beam densities by Thomson scattering of laser radiation
A. P. Solov'ev, O. V. Zyuryukina, and K. I. Svinolupov
Full Text: PDF (79 kB)
Asymptotic form of the nonsteady motion of a charged-particle gas
N. D. Naumov
Full Text: PDF (93 kB)
Steady-state longitudinal conductivity of an electron boundary layer
A. V. Ivlev, K. B. Pavlov, and M. A. Yakovlev
Full Text: PDF (160 kB)
Methods of calculating the band structure and low-energy secondary electron spectroscopy of iridium
O. F. Panchenko
Full Text: PDF (66 kB)
Current in a high-current planar diode with a discrete emitting surface
S. Ya. Belomyttsev, S. D. Korovin, and I. V. Pegel'
Full Text: PDF (111 kB)
Influence of C60-containing additives in lubricant oil on the optimization of wear processes in the boundary friction of metals
D. G. Tochil'nikov and B. M. Ginzburg
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Determination of the temperature distribution in liquids and solids using holographic interferometry
V. V. Bat'kovich, O. N. Budenkova, V. B. Konstantinov, O. L. Sadov, and E. A. Smirnova
Full Text: PDF (536 kB)
Generation of electromagnetic waves by relativistic electrons in a cavity with crossed radial electrostatic and axial magnetic fields under plasma resonance conditions
Yu. V. Kirichenko
Full Text: PDF (86 kB)
Vibrations of twinning-boundary atoms
O. M. Ostrikov
Full Text: PDF (79 kB)
Nonlinear surface magnetostatic waves in a ferrite semiconductor structure
A. S. Kindyak
Full Text: PDF (66 kB)
Efficiency of microwave energy storage in a cavity
S. N. Artemenko
Full Text: PDF (28 kB)
Loading characteristics of an electrostatic coaxial lens
L. P. Ovsyannikova and T. Ya. Fishkova
Full Text: PDF (65 kB)
Surface flow of liquid in an electric field
V. A. Semenov
Full Text: PDF (48 kB)
Influence of an internal getter in silicon on the parameters of AuSi structures
V. K. Kiselev, S. V. Obolenskii, and V. D. Skupov
Full Text: PDF (191 kB)
Sulfide passivation of a textured interface of a gallium arsenide surface-barrier photovoltaic cell
N. L. Dmitruk, O. Yu. Borkovskaya, and I. B. Mamontova
Full Text: PDF (69 kB)
Instability of the photoluminescence of porous silicon
A. M. Orlov and A. V. Sindyaev
Full Text: PDF (64 kB)
Photosensitivity of GaAs : N(GaP : N)/GaAs(GaP) heterojunctions in linearly polarized radiation
V. I. Ivanov-Omskii, Yu. V. Rud', and V. Yu. Rud'
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