JETP Letters -- December 10, 2003
Volume 78, Issue 11,
pp. 691-744
Dark Matter from the SU(4) Model
G. E. Volovik
pp. 691-694
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Search for Anisotropy in Arrival Directions of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays by Using the Marr Wavelet on the Equatorial Sphere
A. A. Ivanov, A. D. Krasil'nikov, and M. I. Pravdin
pp. 695-699
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On Coherent Radiation in Collisions of Short Bunches of Relativistic Particles
N. F. Shul'ga and D. N. Tyutyunnik
pp. 700-702
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X-ray-Line Plasma Satellites of Ions in Solid Target Plasmas Produced by Picosecond Laser Pulse
V. S. Belyaev, V. I. Vinogradov, A. S. Kurilov, A. P. Matafonov, V. S. Lisitsa, V. P. Gavrilenko, A. Ya. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, I. Yu. Skobelev, A. I. Magunov, and S. A. Pikuz, Jr.
pp. 703-706
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Radiotomographic Observations of the Ionosphere Electron Density at the Spitsbergen ArchipelagoKola PeninsulaKarelia Meridian
E. D. Tereshchenko, B. Z. Khudukon, N. Yu. Romanova, A. A. Galakhov, Yu. A. Mel'nichenko, and V. M. Sukhorukov
pp. 707-708
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The Townsend Coefficient and Runaway of Electrons in Electronegative Gas
A. M. Boichenko, A. N. Tkachev, and S. I. Yakovlenko
pp. 709-713
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Electron Cooling in a Normal-Metal Hot-Electron Bolometer
M. A. Tarasov, L. S. Kuz'min, M. Yu. Fominskii, I. E. Agulo, and A. S. Kalabukhov
pp. 714-717
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Photostimulated Phenomena in Relaxors
R. F. Mamin, S. A. Migachev, M. F. Sadykov, I. V. Lunev, V. V. Izotov, and Yu. A. Gusev
pp. 718-721
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Plasmons in Double Quantum Wells in a Parallel Magnetic Field
S. V. Tovstonog and V. E. Bisti
pp. 722-725
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Interplay between the Magnetic Fluctuations and Superconductivity in Lanthanum Cuprates
G. B. Teitel'baum, V. E. Kataev, E. L. Vavilova, P. L. Kuhns, A. P. Reyes, and W. G. Moulton
pp. 726-729
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Time-Resolved Photo-Phonon Spectroscopy of Exchange Coupled Cr3+ Pairs in Ruby
A. M. Shegeda and V. N. Lisin
pp. 730-733
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Relaxation of Bose-Condensate Oscillations in a Mesoscopic System at T = 0
Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksimov
pp. 734-739
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Generalized Darboux Transform in the Ishimori Magnet Model on the Background of Spiral Structures
E. Sh. Gutshabash
pp. 740-744
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