JETP Letters -- February 10, 2004
Volume 79, Issue 3,
pp. 101-140
Coexistence of Different Vacua in the Effective Quantum Field Theory and Multiple Point Principle
G. E. Volovik
pp. 101-105
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New Limits on Dinucleon Decay into Invisible Channels
V. I. Tretyak, V. Yu. Denisov, and Yu. G. Zdesenko
pp. 106-108
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Coherent Multiple Scattering Effects and Monte Carlo Method
V. L. Kuzmin and I. V. Meglinski
pp. 109-112
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On the Two-Parametric Theory of Superconductivity
R. O. Zaitsev
pp. 113-116
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Probing Structural Relaxation in Complex Fluids by Critical Fluctuations
A. F. Kostko, M. A. Anisimov, and J. V. Sengers
pp. 117-120
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Hybrids of Carbyne and Fullerene
A. R. Sabirov, I. V. Stankevich, and L. A. Chernozatonskii
pp. 121-125
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Magnetoresonant Hardening of Silicon Single Crystals
Yu. A. Ossipyan, R. B. Morgunov, A. A. Baskakov, A. M. Orlov, A. A. Skvortsov, E. N. Inkina, and Y. Tanimoto
pp. 126-130
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Decrease in the Bond Energy of Arsenic Atoms on the GaAs(100)-(2 × 4)/c(2 × 8) Surface Due to the Effect of Adsorbed Cesium
O. E. Tereshchenko, V. L. Alperovich, and A. S. Terekhov
pp. 131-135
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AharonovBohm Oscillation Amplitude in Small Ballistic Interferometers
V. A. Tkachenko, Z. D. Kvon, D. V. Sheglov, A. V. Latyshev, A. I. Toropov, O. A. Tkachenko, D. G. Baksheyev, and A. L. Aseev
pp. 136-140
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