JETP Letters -- August 25, 2004
Volume 80, Issue 4,
pp. 209-289
A Stable Static Universe?
C. Barceló and G. E. Volovik
pp. 209-213
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Quasielastic Triton Knockout from 6Li and 7Li Nuclei by Intermediate-Energy Pions
B. M. Abramov, Yu. A. Borodin, S. A. Bulychjov, I. A. Dukhovskoy, A. P. Krutenkova, V. V. Kulikov, M. A. Martem'yanov, M. A. Matsuk, V. E. Tarasov, E. N. Turdakina, and A. I. Khanov
pp. 214-217
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Expansion in Feynman Graphs as Simplicial String Theory
E. T. Akhmedov
pp. 218-225
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Vector Meson Electroproduction at Next-to-Leading Order
D. Yu. Ivanov, L. Szymanowski, and G. Krasnikov
pp. 226-230
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Synchronization and Bifurcations of Internal and External Degrees of Freedom of an Atom in a Standing Light Wave
V. Yu. Argonov and S. V. Prants
pp. 231-235
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High-Contrast Dark Resonances on the D1 Line of Alkali Metals in the Field of Counterpropagating Waves
A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, V. L. Velichansky, S. V. Kargapoltsev, R. Wynands, J. Kitching, and L. Hollberg
pp. 236-240
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Stable Dust Structures in Non-Self-Sustained Gas Discharge under Atmospheric Pressure
V. N. Babichev, A. F. Pal', A. N. Starostin, A. V. Filippov, and V. E. Fortov
pp. 241-245
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Unified Model of Pseudogap Features of Conductivity in HTSCs
K. D. Tséndin, D. V. Denisov, and B. P. Popov
pp. 246-252
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Anomalous Charge Transfer in La2CuO4 near the Néel Temperature: Evidence of the Transition from Spin Liquid to Two-Sublattice Antiferromagnetic State
O. E. Parfenov and A. A. Nikonov
pp. 253-257
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Study of Ferroelectric Switching by Domain-Wall Induced Light Scattering
D. V. Isakov, T. R. Volk, L. I. Ivleva, K. Betzler, C. David, A. Tunyagi, and M. Wöhlecke
pp. 258-262
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Investigation of the Field-Tuned Quantum Critical Point in CeCoIn5
V. R. Shaginyan
pp. 263-266
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Observation of Stimulated Raman Scattering in CVD-Diamond
A. A. Kaminskii, V. G. Ralchenko, and V. I. Konov
pp. 267-270
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Influence of Retardation Effects on a 2D Magnetoplasmon Spectrum
M. V. Cheremisin
pp. 271-273
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Stability of the Bose System in BoseFermi Mixture with Attraction between Bosons and Fermions
S. T. Chui, V. N. Ryzhov, and E. E. Tareyeva
pp. 274-279
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Anticlinic-Synclinic Transitions in Superthin Free-Standing Smectic Films
P. V. Dolganov, G. Joly, P. Cluzeau, V. K. Dolganov, C. Gors, and H. T. Nguyen
pp. 280-284
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The Mesoscopic Chiral MetalInsulator Transition
S. Kettemann, B. Kramer, and T. Ohtsuki
pp. 285-289
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