Physics of the Solid State -- August 2002
Volume 44, Issue 8,
pp. 1407-1610
Spectroscopy of Dielectric Nanocrystals Doped by Rare-Earth and Transition-Metal Ions
S. P. Feofilov
pp. 1407-1414
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Clusters of Group-III Ions in Activated Fluorite-Type Crystals
S. A. Kazanskii and A. I. Ryskin
pp. 1415-1425
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Parameters of Light-Induced Charge Transfer Processes in Photorefractive Crystals
O. F. Schirmer, C. Veber, and M. Meyer
pp. 1426-1432
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Structure and Charge Transfer Dynamics of Uranyl Ions in Boron Oxide and Borosilicate Glasses
G. K. Liu, H. Z. Zhuang, J. V. Beitz, C. W. Williams, and V. S. Vikhnin
pp. 1433-1439
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Charge Transfer Bands in the Eu3+ Luminescence Excitation Spectra of Isomeric Europium Pyridine-Dicarboxylates
L. N. Puntus, V. F. Zolin, V. A. Kudryashova, V. I. Tsaryuk, J. Legendziewicz, P. Gawryszewska, and R. Szostak
pp. 1440-1444
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Photoluminescence and Tunneling Charge Transfer in CaF2 : RE2+CdF2 Superlattices on Si(111)
S. V. Gastev, S. É. Ivanova, N. S. Sokolov, S. M. Suturin, and E. M. Langer
pp. 1445-1449
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Charge Ordering and Lattice Dimerization in alpha[prime]-NaV2O5: One or Two Phase Transitions?
M. N. Popova, A. B. Sushkov, E. P. Chukalina, E. A. Romanov, M. Isobe, and Y. Ueda
pp. 1450-1454
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Exciton Luminescence in Orthorhombic-Structure MnF2 Epitaxial Films
N. S. Sokolov, O. V. Anisimov, A. G. Banshchikov, S. V. Gastev, C. Dyroff, R. J. Reeves, X. Wang, and W. M. Yen
pp. 1455-1458
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Luminescence of Impurity-Bound Excitons in Corundum
B. R. Namozov, V. A. Vetrov, S. M. Muradov, and R. I. Zakharchenya
pp. 1459-1462
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ExcitonMagnon Interactions in NicMg1 cO Single Crystals
N. Mironova-Ulmane, V. Skvortsova, A. Kuzmin, and I. Sildos
pp. 1463-1467
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JahnTeller Effect in Low-Spin Ni3+ in the LaAlO3 Ceramic
T. A. Ivanova, V. E. Petrashen', N. V. Chezhina, and Yu. V. Yablokov
pp. 1468-1470
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The Influence of Local Distortions on the Static and Dynamic Properties of Copper and Silver Eightfold-Coordinated JahnTeller Complexes in Mixed Crystals with a Fluorite-Type Structure
V. A. Ulanov, M. M. Zaripov, and E. P. Zheglov
pp. 1471-1479
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The Plasticity of the Cu(H2O)2 + 6 JahnTeller Complex Affected by Lattice Strains and Cooperative Interactions
M. A. Augustyniak-Jabllokow, K. Lukaszewicz, A. Pietraszko, V. E. Petrashen, and Yu. V. Yablokov
pp. 1480-1483
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Ab initio Theory of the Electronic Structure and Spectra of Impurity nl Ions
N. A. Kulagin
pp. 1484-1490
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Anharmonic T [direct-product] epsilon JahnTeller Coupling in LiCaAlF6 : Cr3+
Gh. E. Draganescu, C. N. Avram, and N. M. Avram
pp. 1491-1495
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Structural Asymmetry of Kramers Clusters as a Consequence of Time-Reversal Symmetry
I. I. Geru
pp. 1496-1499
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Induced Resonant Transparency of Magnetic Materials for Gamma Radiation: Propagation Dynamics
A. V. Mitin and D. A. Roganov
pp. 1500-1504
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Quantum Interference of Mössbauer Gamma-Radiative Transitions in Magnetic Materials
É. K. Sadykov, L. L. Zakirov, A. A. Yurichuk, and V. V. Arinin
pp. 1505-1509
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Nonequilibrium Dynamic Effects within a Quantum Droplet Model of Ising Spin Glass
R. V. Saburova, E. A. Yanvarev, and V. G. Sushkova
pp. 1510-1512
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Structure and Dynamics of the Pure and Mixed Fluorites MeF2 (Me = Ca, Sr, Ba, and Pb)
A. E. Nikiforov, A. Yu. Zakharov, V. A. Chernyshev, M. Yu. Ougryumov, and S. V. Kotomanov
pp. 1513-1518
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Phase Separation and Manifestation of Nanoscopic Nonuniformities in the Optical Spectra of Manganites
A. S. Moskvin, E. V. Zenkov, Yu. D. Panov, N. N. Loshkareva, Yu. P. Sukhorukov, and E. V. Mostovshchikova
pp. 1519-1521
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Nanoscale Inhomogeneities and Optical Properties of Doped Cuprates
A. S. Moskvin, E. V. Zenkov, and Yu. D. Panov
pp. 1522-1525
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Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Lattice Distortions Caused by Charged 3d Impurities in IIIV Semiconductors
V. I. Sokolov, N. B. Gruzdev, E. A. Shirokov, V. N. Starovoitova, A. V. Sokolov, A. N. Kislov, and I. A. Nekrasov
pp. 1526-1528
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Anomalous Abrupt Resonance-Type Change in the Low-Temperature Heat Conductivity in IIVI Semiconductors Doped with 3d Transition Metals
A. T. Lonchakov, N. B. Gruzdev, and V. I. Sokolov
pp. 1529-1531
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On the Nature of the Energy Gap in Ytterbium Dodecaboride YbB12
T. S. Al'tshuler and M. S. Bresler
pp. 1532-1535
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Effect of Defects on Ytterbium Ion Valency in YbB12
T. S. Al'tshuler, M. S. Bresler, Yu. V. Goryunov, F. Iga, and T. Takabatake
pp. 1536-1539
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High Coercivity Powders Based on SmFeTaN Prepared by a Novel Technique
K. Zuzek, G. Drazic, P. J. McGuiness, and S. Kobe
pp. 1540-1543
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Magnetic Properties of the Ising Dipole Ferromagnet LiTbF4
I. V. Romanova, B. Z. Malkin, I. R. Mukhamedshin, H. Suzuki, and M. S. Tagirov
pp. 1544-1549
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Isotropic and Anisotropic Exchange Interactions in the Orbitally Degenerate Excited (4A2 × 2T2) State of a Cr3+ Ion Pair Possessing D3h Symmetry
V. V. Bannikov and V. Ya. Mitrofanov
pp. 1550-1552
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Local Structure of Titanium Pair Centers in SrF2 Crystals: EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopic Studies
I. I. Fazlizhanov, V. A. Ulanov, M. M. Zaripov, and R. M. Eremina
pp. 1553-1557
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Luminescence of Tl+ Ions in a KZnF3 Crystal
L. K. Aminov, S. I. Nikitin, N. I. Silkin, and R. V. Yusupov
pp. 1558-1563
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Infrared Spectroscopy of the Nd3+ Ion in Nd2BaCuO5 and Nd2BaZnO5
S. A. Klimin, M. N. Popova, and B. V. Mill
pp. 1564-1569
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The Mechanism of 4f5d Hybridization in Sm1 xRxS (R = Ce, Gd, and Y) Systems with Intermediate Valence
A. E. Sovestnov, V. A. Shaburov, Yu. P. Smirnov, A. V. Tyunis, and A. V. Golubkov
pp. 1570-1573
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Defect Samarium Ions and Electromotive-Force Generation in SmS
V. V. Kaminskii, A. V. Golubkov, and L. N. Vasil'ev
pp. 1574-1578
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Specific Features of Anion Transfer in Superionic Conductors Based on MF2 (M = Pb and Cd)
N. I. Sorokin, B. P. Sobolev, and M. W. Breiter
pp. 1579-1586
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SpinSpin Interaction of Dy3+ Ions in KY(WO4)2
I. M. Krygin, A. D. Prokhorov, V. P. D'yakonov, M. T. Borowiec, and H. Szymczak
pp. 1587-1596
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Effect of Electric Field on the Dielectric Permittivity of Betaine Phosphite Crystals in the Paraelectric Phase
E. V. Balashova, V. V. Lemanov, and A. Klöpperpieper
pp. 1597-1603
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Determination of the Activation Energy for Complicated Relaxation Processes
A. I. Slutsker, Yu. I. Polikarpov, and K. V. Vasil'eva
pp. 1604-1610
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