JETP Letters -- April 10, 2005
Volume 81, Issue 7,
pp. 303-355
Indication of Asymptotic Scaling in the Reactions dd --> p3H, dd --> n3He, and pd --> pd
Yu. N. Uzikov
pp. 303-306
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Soft and Hard Processes in QCD
I. M. Dremin
pp. 307-310
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Detonation in an AluminumTeflon Mixture
A. Yu. Dolgoborodov, M. N. Makhov, I. V. Kolbanev, A. N. Streletskii, and V. E. Fortov
pp. 311-314
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Damping Effects and the MetalInsulator Transition in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
V. A. Khodel, M. V. Zverev, and J. W. Clark
pp. 315-320
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Quantum Analogue of the Spin-Flop Transition for a Spin Pair
B. A. Ivanov and V. E. Kireev
pp. 321-325
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Formation of the Incommensurate Ordered Phase in TaCy Carbide
V. N. Lipatnikov and A. A. Rempel
pp. 326-330
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Phonon Localization in Ge Nanoislands and Its Manifestation in Raman Spectra
D. A. Orekhov, V. A. Volodin, M. D. Efremov, A. I. Nikiforov, V. V. Ul'yanov, and O. P. Pchelyakov
pp. 331-334
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The Current Phase Relation in Josephson Tunnel Junctions
A. A. Golubov and M. Yu. Kupriyanov
pp. 335-341
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Anomalous Hall Effect and Ferromagnetism in the New Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Sb2 xCrxTe3
V. A. Kulbachinskii, P. M. Tarasov, and E. Brük
pp. 342-345
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Nonchiral BN Haeckelite Nanotubes
S. V. Lisenkov, G. A. Vinogradov, T. Yu. Astakhova, and N. G. Lebedev
pp. 346-350
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Use of Small-Scale Quantum Computers in Cryptography with Many-Qubit Entangled States
K. V. Bayandin and G. B. Lesovik
pp. 351-355
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