Physics of the Solid State -- April 2003
Volume 45, Issue 4,
pp. 605-808
Vibrational and Electronic Properties of the Amorphous Systems Ni44Nb56, Ni62Nb38, and Cu33Zr67 as Derived from Specific Heat Measurements
G. Kh. Panova, G. F. Syrykh, M. N. Khlopkin, and A. A. Shikov
pp. 605-609
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Calculation of the Vibrational Spectra of Copper Crystals with Vacancies
A. N. Kislov, V. G. Mazurenko, and K. N. Korzov
pp. 610-614
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Thermopower in the Region of Hopping Conduction in TlNiS2
S. N. Mustafaeva, É. M. Kerimova, and A. I. Dzhabbarly
pp. 615-618
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High-Pressure Thermopower of Sulfur
V. V. Shchennikov and S. V. Ovsyannikov
pp. 619-622
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Dispersive Nonlinearity and Bistability of Polar Media
Ch. S. Kim, A. M. Satanin, and V. B. Shtenberg
pp. 623-629
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Anomalous Nonlinearity of IR Photoconductivity of Diamond Polycrystalline Films
V. V. Tokii, V. I. Timchenko, and V. A. Soroka
pp. 630-633
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Ion Transfer in Solid Solutions of Cu2Se and Ag2Se Superionic Conductors
M. Kh. Balapanov, R. A. Yakshibaev, and U. Kh. Mukhamed'yanov
pp. 634-638
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Effect of a Pulsed Magnetic Field on the Real Solid-Solution Structure in the SbAs System
M. N. Levin, G. V. Semenova, T. P. Sushkova, V. V. Postnikov, and B. L. Agapov
pp. 639-642
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Dynamics of Surface Dislocation Ensembles in Silicon under Conditions of Mechanical and Magnetic Perturbations
A. M. Orlov, A. A. Skvortsov, and A. A. Solov'ev
pp. 643-648
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Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of an Applied Load on Pores in Solids
V. I. Betekhtin, S. Yu. Veselkov, Yu. M. Dal', A. G. Kadomtsev, and O. V. Amosova
pp. 649-655
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Thermal "Softening" and "Hardening" of Titanium and Its Alloy at High Strain Rates of Shock-Wave Deforming
G. I. Kanel, S. V. Razorenov, E. B. Zaretsky, B. Herrman, and L. Meyer
pp. 656-661
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Optical Harmonic Generation in Magnetic Garnet Epitaxial Films near the Fundamental Absorption Edge
V. V. Pavlov, R. V. Pisarev, M. Fiebig, and D. Fröhlich
pp. 662-669
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Electronic Structure and the S K Absorption Spectra of Chromium-Containing Chalcogenide Spinels Cd1 xCuxCr2S4
O. A. Leshcheva, N. Yu. Safontseva, and I. Ya. Nikiforov
pp. 670-672
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Dynamic Properties of Iron Borate Single Crystals in the High-Rate Range of Magnetization Reversal
O. S. Kolotov, A. V. Matyunin, and V. A. Pogozhev
pp. 673-674
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The Influence of Interparticle Interaction on Magnetization Curves of Nano- and Microcrystal Ensembles
L. P. Ol'khovik, M. M. Khvorov, N. M. Borisova, Z. V. Golubenko, Z. I. Sizova, and E. V. Shurinova
pp. 675-680
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Structure and Magnetoresistance of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Films Grown Coherently on (001)NdGaO3
Yu. A. Boikov, V. A. Danilov, and A. Yu. Boikov
pp. 681-684
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NMR Excitation by an Electric Field as a Dynamic Manifestation of Magnetoelectric and Antiferroelectric Interactions
M. I. Kurkin, V. V. Leskovets, V. V. Nikolaev, E. A. Turov, and L. V. Turov
pp. 685-690
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Dynamic Stability of a Spiral Domain in an AC Magnetic Field
V. N. Mal'tsev, G. S. Kandaurova, and L. N. Kartagulov
pp. 691-695
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Electromagnetic-Wave Reflectivity of the Surface of a Cubic-Ferrite Plate
V. D. Buchel'nikov, A. V. Babushkin, and I. V. Bychkov
pp. 696-705
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Dynamic Shift in 57Fe Nuclear Magnetoelastic Resonance Frequency in Iron Borate
I. V. Pleshakov
pp. 706-708
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Magnetic Anisotropy, First-Order Phase Transition, and Brown's Paradox in Rare-Earth Metals
Yu. P. Irkhin
pp. 709-713
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Magnetic and Orbital Structures of Manganites in the Electron Doping Region
S. M. Dunaevskii and V. V. Deriglazov
pp. 714-717
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Resonance Fluorescence of Gamma Radiation under Conditions of Coherent Mixing of Mössbauer Sublevels
É. K. Sadykov, A. A. Yurichuk, and V. V. Arinin
pp. 718-724
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Effect of Phonon Decay Processes on the Formation of a Phonon Nonequilibrium Signal in Crystals with Two Two-Level Subsystems
E. I. Salamatov
pp. 725-729
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On the Structure of Strips Exhibiting the Integral Quantum Hall Effect in an Inhomogeneous 2D Electron System
V. Shikin
pp. 730-735
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Spontaneous Emission and Elastic Scattering of Light from Quantum-Well Excitons in a FabryPerot Microcavity
V. A. Kosobukin
pp. 736-751
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Unoccupied Electron States in Low-Energy Electron Total-Current and Transmission Spectroscopy of Molybdenum Disulfide
O. F. Panchenko
pp. 752-756
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Nonlinear Waveguide Modes Caused by Generation of Excitons and Biexcitons in Semiconductors in a Symmetrical Three-Layer Structure
O. V. Korovai, P. I. Khadzhi, and S. I. Beril
pp. 757-761
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Quantum Hall EffectInsulator Transition in the InAs / GaAs System with Quantum Dots
V. A. Kul'bachinskii, R. A. Lunin, V. A. Rogozin, A. V. Golikov, V. G. Kytin, B. N. Zvonkov, S. M. Nekorkin, D. O. Filatov, and A. de Visser
pp. 762-767
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Electrodynamical Treatment of the ElectronHole Long-Range Exchange Interaction in Semiconductor Nanocrystals
S. V. Goupalov, P. Lavallard, G. Lamouche, and D. S. Citrin
pp. 768-781
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Carbon Segregation on a Tungsten Surface
N. D. Potekhina, N. R. Gall', E. V. Rut'kov, and A. Ya. Tontegode
pp. 782-787
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Size Effect of Nanostructured Formations on Scattering of Optical Phonons in Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
V. I. Vettegren, V. A. Marikhin, V. B. Kulik, and L. S. Titenkov
pp. 788-792
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Anomalies in the Magnetic Behavior of a Rapidly Cooled Chromium Mesogen
N. E. Domracheva, I. V. Ovchinnikov, A. Turanov, and G. Lattermann
pp. 793-796
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Dielectric and Optical Properties of a 5-Propyl-2-(p-Cyanophenyl)-Pyridine Liquid Crystal
B. A. Belyaev, N. A Drokin, and V. F. Shabanov
pp. 797-801
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Thermodynamic and Dilatometric Properties of the Dimerized Phase of a C60 Fullerene
A. V. Markin, N. N. Smirnova, B. V. Lebedev[dagger], A. G. Lyapin, M. V. Kondrin, and V. V. Brazhkin
pp. 802-808
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