JETP Letters -- May 25, 2005
Volume 81, Issue 10,
pp. 485-541
Analog of the MigdalKohn Singularity in the Polariton Spectrum of a Two-Dimensional Crystal
O. A. Dubovskii
pp. 485-486
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Enhanced Soliton Self-Frequency Shift of Ultrashort Light Pulses
E. E. Serebryannikov, Ming-Lie Hu, Yan-Feng Li, Ching-Yue Wang, Zhuan Wang, Lu Chai, and A. M. Zheltikov
pp. 487-490
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Tunneling of X-ray Photons through a Thin Film under Total Internal Reflection Conditions
A. G. Touriyanskii and I. V. Pirshin
pp. 491-493
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Population Inversion of the Energy Levels of Erbium Ions Induced by Excitation Transfer from the Semiconductor Matrix in SiGe Based Structures
M. V. Stepikhova, D. M. Zhigunov, V. G. Shengurov, V. Yu. Timoshenko, L. V. Krasil'nikova, V. Yu. Chalkov, S. P. Svetlov, O. A. Shalygina, P. K. Kashkarov, and Z. F. Krasil'nik
pp. 494-497
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Semiclassical Theory of Electron Drag in Strong Magnetic Fields
S. Brener and W. Metzner
pp. 498-502
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Single-Particle Spectrum of a Dilute 2D Electron Gas
V. V. Borisov and M. V. Zverev
pp. 503-508
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Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of the Multiferroic Tb(1 x)BixMnO3: Electric Dipole Glass and Self-Organization of Charge Carriers
E. I. Golovenchits and V. A. Sanina
pp. 509-513
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Giant Injection Magnetoresistance in Gallium Arsenide/Granulated Film Heterostructures with Nanosize Cobalt Inclusions
L. V. Lutsev, A. I. Stognii, and N. N. Novitskii
pp. 514-518
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Charge Accumulation Layer on the n-GaN (0001) Surface with Ultrathin Ba Coatings
G. V. Benemanskaya and G. É. Frank-Kamenetskaya
pp. 519-522
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Magnetophonon Resonance in a GaAs Quantum Well with AlAs/GaAs Superlattice Barriers at High Filling Factors
A. A. Bykov, A. K. Kalagin, and A. K. Bakarov
pp. 523-526
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Topology of the Fermi Surface and the Coexistence of Orbital Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Cuprates
V. I. Belyavsky, V. V. Kapaev, and Yu. V. Kopaev
pp. 527-532
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StoneWales Transformation Paths in Fullerene C60
A. I. Podlivaev and L. A. Openov
pp. 533-537
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Concept of a Mixer Based on a Cold-Electron Bolometer
M. Tarasov and L. Kuz'min
pp. 538-541
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