JETP Letters -- July 25, 2005
Volume 82, Issue 2,
pp. 53-100
An Approach to NLO QCD Analysis of the Semi-Inclusive DIS Data with the Modified Jacobi Polynomial Expansion Method
A. N. Sissakian, O. Yu. Shevchenko, and O. N. Ivanov
pp. 53-58
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Principle of Forming Bound States of Atoms in a Laser Field
O. N. Gadomsky and A. G. Glukhov
pp. 59-64
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Structure of the Superfluid Ground State of an Atomic Fermi Gas Near the Feshbach Resonance
Yu. Kagan and L. A. Maksimov
pp. 65-71
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Amplification of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Waves by a Moving Vortex Structure in Type II Superconductors
E. D. Gutliansky
pp. 72-76
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A Strongly Asymmetric Single-Electron Transistor Operating as a Zero-Biased Electrometer
V. A. Krupenin, D. E. Presnov, V. O. Zalunin, S. A. Vasenko, and A. B. Zorin
pp. 77-80
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Knight Shift in Superconducting Oxides BaPb1 xBixO3 (x < 0.35)
V. V. Ogloblichev, A. V. Pogudin, Yu. V. Piskunov, S. V. Verkhovskii, A. Yu. Yakubovsky, and A. Trokiner
pp. 81-85
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ElectronPhonon Interaction in Boron-Doped Silicon Nanocrystals: Effect of Fano Interference on the Raman Spectrum
V. A. Volodin and M. D. Efremov
pp. 86-88
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Amplitude of AharonovBohm Oscillations in a Small Semiconductor Ring Interferometer in the Tunneling Regime
D. V. Nomokonov and A. A. Bykov
pp. 89-92
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Superconductivity at Normal Pressure in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl Crystals
E. B. Yagubskii, N. D. Kushch, A. V. Kazakova, L. I. Buravov, V. N. Zverev, A. I. Manakov, S. S. Khasanov, and R. P. Shibaeva
pp. 93-95
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PhononPlasmon Coupled Modes in Hetero-Superlattices
L. A. Falkovsky and E. G. Mishchenko
pp. 96-100
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