Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- June 1997
Volume 84, Issue 6,
pp. 1047-1236
New critical properties of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model with nonzero chemical potential
A. S. Vshivtsev, V. Ch. Zhukovskii, and K. G. Klimenko
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Nature of the Darwin term and (Z alpha)4m3/M2 contribution to the Lamb shift for an arbitrary spin of the nucleus
I. B. Khriplovich, A. I. Milstein, and R. A. Sen'kov
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Generation of phase-correlated light pulses in a hyper-Raman active medium
Yu. P. Malakyan and A. R. Mkhitaryan
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Polarization of light: fourth-order effects and polarization-squeezed states
D. M. Klyshko
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The polarization-angular structure and elliptical dichroism of the cross sections for three-photon bound–bound transitions in atoms
N. L. Manakov and A. V. Merem'yanin
Full Text: PDF (235 kB)
Instability and disruption of precision cumulation of cavities and mass flows in the field of gravitational and inertial forces and other dipole perturbations
G. A. Askar'yan and I. V. Sokolov
Full Text: PDF (158 kB)
Phase equilibrium in a current-carrying liquid conductor in Z-pinch geometry
V. S. Vorob'ev and S. P. Malyshenko
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Contribution to the statistical theory of wave localization in a two-layered medium
N. V. Gryanik and V. I. Klyatskin
Full Text: PDF (175 kB)
Statistical theory of the propagation of optical radiation in turbulent media
V. I. Klyatskin and I. G. Yakushkin
Full Text: PDF (198 kB)
Interaction of light with a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal
M. I. Barnik, A. S. Zolot'ko, and V. F. Kitaeva
Full Text: PDF (6587 kB)
Characteristic features of the pi-electron states of carbon nanotubes
S. S. Savinskii and N. V. Khokhryakov
Full Text: PDF (182 kB)
Relaxation and 1/f noise in phonon systems
Yu. E. Kuzovlev
Full Text: PDF (149 kB)
Quasi-isentropic compression of liquid argon up to 500 GPa
V. D. Urlin, M. A. Mochalov, and O. L. Mikhailova
Full Text: PDF (742 kB)
The kinetics of low-temperature electron–phonon relaxation in a metallic film following instantaneous heating of the electrons
A. I. Bezuglyi and V. A. Shklovskii
Full Text: PDF (295 kB)
Stimulation effect in anisotropic superconductors
A. V. Galaktionov
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Photoinduced phase transitions in a system with a transformable electron spectrum
A. L. Semenov
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Pinning by twin boundaries and peak effect in YBaCuO high-Tc superconductors
I. F. Voloshin, A. V. Kalinov, L. M. Fisher, K. I. Kugel', and A. L. Rakhmanov
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Magnetic vortices and thermoelectric effect in a hollow superconducting cylinder
R. M. Arutyunyan, V. L. Ginzburg, and G. F. Zharkov
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Spatial correlation of an electron and hole in quasi-two-dimensional electronic system in a strong magnetic field and its relationship to the light-scattering tensor
L. I. Korovin, I. G. Lang, and S. T. Pavlov
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Ballistic conductance of a quasi-one-dimensional microstructure in a parallel magnetic field
V. A. Geiler and V. A. Margulis
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Effect of charge exchange on the energy distribution of fast multiply charged ions propagating through matter
V. V. Balashov, A. V. Bibikov, and I. V. Bodrenko
Full Text: PDF (134 kB)
Effect of impurities on thermoelectric power due to phonon drag in metals
K. D. Belashchenkov and D. V. Livanov
Full Text: PDF (101 kB)
Nonlinear evolutionary processes in a free-electron laser generator of diffracted radiation
V. P. Shestopalov
Full Text: PDF (252 kB)
Erratum: Realization of a heavily doped and fully compensated semiconductor state in a crystalline semiconductor with a deep impurity band [JETP 84, 309–316 (February 1997)]
M. I. Daunov, I. K. Kamilov, and A. B. Magomedov
Full Text: PDF (21 kB)