Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics -- August 1997
Volume 85, Issue 2,
pp. 209-416
Equilibrium of a high-current channel in the general theory of relativity
B. É. Meierovich
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Small angle Bhabha scattering at LEP1. Wide-narrow angular acceptance
N. P. Merenkov
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Noise squeezing in a semiconductor laser with an inhomogeneously broadened gain line
V. V. Kozlov and A. S. Trifonov
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Four-wave polariton scattering of light in LiNbO3
G. Kh. Kitaeva, P. S. Losevskii, A. A. Mikhailovskii, and A. N. Penin
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Time reversal during magnetization of gas atoms by a resonant light pulse
A. I. Alekseev
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Ionization of a two-electron atom in a strong electromagnetic field
O. V. Ovodova, A. M. Popov, and O. V. Tikhonova
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Theory of single-mode lasing in coherent quantum cascade lasers
V. F. Elesin
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Anomalously high kinetic energy of charged macroparticles in a plasma
A. P. Nefedov, A. G. Khrapak, S. A. Khrapak, O. F. Petrov, and A. A. Samaryan
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Radiative forces acting on point sources moving in a stratified fluid
V. A. Gorodtsov, S. N. Reznik, and Yu. A. Stepanyants
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Temperature hysteresis of the change in the cholesteric pitch and surface anchoring in thin planar layers
H. Zink and V. A. Belyakov
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Tunneling conductivity oscillations in a magnetic field in metalinsulatornarrow-gap-HgCdTe structures: the energy spectrum and spinorbit splitting of 2D states
G. M. Min'kov, O. É. Rut, and A. V. Germanenko
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Superradiance by a system of highly polarized exchange-coupled nonequivalent spins
D. A. Kostarov, N. P. Fokina, and K. O. Khutsishvili
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Spin-wave resonances in nonuniformly strained films of FeBO3
L. E. Svistov, V. L. Safonov, and K. R. Khachevatskaya
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Quantitative conversion spectroscopy of the ultrasoft isomeric transition of uranium-235 and the electronic structure of uranium oxides
A. D. Panov
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Spin dynamics in solid dilute paramagnets
F. S. Dzheparov, I. V. Kaganov, and E. K. Khenner
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Galvanomagnetic phenomena in layered conductors
V. G. Peschanskii
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Frequency mixing in a bistable system in the presence of noise
A. N. Grigorenko, P. I. Nikitin, and G. V. Roshchepkin
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Breakdown of the linear current regime in periodic structures
A. M. Satanin, S. V. Khor'kov, and V. V. Skuzovatkin
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Optical absorption by small metallic particles
P. M. Tomchuk and B. P. Tomchuk
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Inelastic light scattering by electrons and plasmons in metals
L. A. Falkovsky and S. Klama
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Positive magnetoresistivity of Fe0.95Co0.05Ge2 single crystals inside the region of a magnetic phase transition
R. I. Zainullina, N. G. Bebenin, and V. V. Ustinov
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Ionic photoconductivity of RbAg4I5 superionic crystals
M. V. Bogatyrenko and S. I. Bredikhin
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Observation of the dielectric local mode related to divacancies in p-silicon
V. A. Voitenko and S. E. Mal'khanov
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Segregation of impurities and vacancies on phase and antiphase boundaries in alloys
K. D. Belashchenko and V. G. Vaks
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Spin liquid in an almost ferromagnetic Kondo lattice
K. A. Kikoin, M. N. Kiselev, and A. S. Mishchenko
Full Text: PDF (335 kB)
Magnetic properties of the new organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)2GaCl4
A. É. Primenko, V. D. Kuznetsov, N. D. Kushch, and É. B. Yakubskii
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